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Showing posts from February, 2021

The mystery of Rudolf Hess

The news about the Hess journey to England (Image I) The mystery of Rudolf Hess One of the biggest mysteries in history is the man named Rudolf Walter Richard Hess (1894-1987). The reason why this man who was the deputy director of the Nazi party flew to Great Britain in 1940? And why that man kept imprisoned in Spandau Prison as its only prisoner when he suffers a life sentence from the Nürnberg trial? Why Allies were not hanging that man? Did he offer some kind of contract to Churchill, what made British and the rest of the Allies convict that man to imprison? Maybe the defection in the early years of the Second World War caused the British and other Allies to save his life. Rudolf Hess was born in Alexandria, which meant that he was a British citizen. Egypt was a British protectorate during that time. The thing that makes Rudolf Hess a really interesting person that he has the same family name as the famous chemist Germain Henri Hess (1802-1850), who invented Hess's law. So was

Murders are making people undead

. Murders are making people undead Do you know what is the connecting thing about the murders of Olof Palme, and Kennedy's and Abraham Lincoln's murders? In each of those cases is theater portrayed a role. Olof Palme shot after he came out from movie theater, Lee Harvey Oswald arrested at the movie theater and Abraham Lincoln shot in the theater. That thing is the strange coincidence in those crimes.   If we are following the evidence of those murders, we should say that the motive is dark, and that's why we should say "murder-cases of the famous politicians" rather than political murders. We don't know was the reason for those crimes political or some personal hate? And if those victims were ordinary men, those crimes could be solved. So we should call those famous cases "dark homicides" rather than making theories about some large-scale conspiracies. And that means I don't introduce any theories at this time about the motives of the killers.  D

Can we someday make the protective field like in some SciFi tales?

Can we someday make the protective field like in some SciFi tales? The solution could be found from the ion cannons or laser fields. If incoming ammunition will load by using opposite polarity than ions, it would pull incoming ions or electrons to it.  One of the easiest ways is to make the protective field is simply to use the drones, which are flying around the protected target. The mission of those drones is to block incoming ammunition and they can also use active systems like microwaves or some kind of lasers for blocking the ammunition. The system can use DEW (Directed Energy Weapons) because their ammunition capacity is unlimited. In some versions, the drone would have the radio-system that makes the electric arc to the point, where it's targeted.  Or in some ideas, the radar would load the plus mark electricity to objects, that is approaching the target. Then the cathode rays will send through the air, and high-energetic electrons or minus mark ions will terminate the incom

The thoughts about lasers and stable wave movement with holography

. The thoughts about lasers and stable wave movement with holography The power of the laser light bases that the light has as few frequencies as possible. The principle of laser is simple. The atoms of the medium will increase to the high energy level, and when the radiation stress will end, the atoms will send the emission radiation and that thing is the laser ray.   Many people think that carbon monoxide, or carbon dioxide laser is the most powerful laser in the world. Commonly carbon monoxide or carbon dioxide laser are both called CO^2 lasers because their radiation has always the same frequency.  The reason is that this laser would send the radiation by using infrared frequency, which makes the laser ray invisible to the eye but very powerful. The CO^2-laser will send the laser ray actually by the frequencies of the carbon and oxygen.  The thing is that by using carbonite crystal elements is possible to make the mono-frequent laser, which sends powerful infrared light. The carbon-

The "Mule", the fictional character from Asimov's universe

. The "Mule" (Left) might get the influence from Väinämöinen (Right), the powerful character of Kalevala. Both of those figures use the musical instrument as a tool for controlling people. The "Mule", the fictional character from Asimov's universe   In the second book of the "Foundation" series, "Foundation and Empire" is the character called "Mule". The musicians have powerful telepathic abilities. Or maybe we should rethink that character a little bit more carefully. The "telepathic abilities" of that character are connected to the electronic organ. So that system can simply use the subliminal commands for taking the persons under the control. The system can use the combination of flashing lights that are adjusted for causing epilepsy and infrasound what can make the concentration impossible. Or the system can send also electromagnetic impulses, which are causing the electromagnetic resonance in the nervous system. The e

The magic of the psychohistory by Isaac Asimov's famous science fiction novel series "Foundation"

    . The magic of the psychohistory by Isaac Asimov's famous science fiction novel series "Foundation" The two ways to think about the psychohistory of the fictional book "The foundation".    1) The calculations by using the NTP (Natural Temperature Pressure)-base formulas are calculating the reactions of the large masses of people. 2) To use two highly prepared teams, what are operated by following instructions, what are made in their mind by using electromagnetic or subliminal acoustic systems. And then those programs will activate by using monarch triggers.  I have many times thought about the possibility to make psychohistory possible in the real life. Could that kind of mathematical formula, what allows to calculate the actions of the large groups of humans possible? Theoretically, there is the possibility to conduct the mathematical formula, which can use to calculate the behavior of the billions of people by conducting them from the NTP (Natural Tempera

The magic crystals and dark matter

  The magic crystals and dark matter The time crystal is the series of atoms that are starting to wobble and in the test, the ytterbium atoms are starting to wobble in the sequence when they are pushed. Then that movement turns independent. So there is a possibility that by using time crystals is possible to create an antenna, that can receive the oscillation of the dark matter or dark energy. In that case, the wobbling of the Ytterbium-171 atoms is coming from the dark- or invisible wave movement or dark energy. In test used a 1D-layer of the condensed Ytterbium ions for making that state of matter real. Forming the time crystal requires ultracold atoms. And that means that they are really hard to make.  There is one thing that has caused interesting theories that the time crystal can form spontaneously in the natural crystals. That thing could be a very undoubtful thing and the possibility to find natural time crystals is "minimum" as we can say because the temperature of a

Are supermassive black holes formed of dark matter?

  Are supermassive black holes formed of dark matter?   Near the black holes, the density of visible and dark material is the highest in the universe. So in that area is the biggest possibility that the radiation element hits particles of the dark matter and sends the X- or gamma-ray emission from dark matter. The idea is simple when the density of the material or particles is higher the probability of the impact of the particle of radiation and the particle of the dark matter is higher than in another universe. In the point of a black hole, the world of dark matter and the world of visible material are connecting. When we are talking about the material, what is forming the universe, we should say, that invisible, or dark matter is the common material in the universe. At least 85% of the universe is forming of material, which we cannot see. So the thing that we are calling the "normal" is abnormity in the universe. And only 15% of the material is visible to us. The fact is th

Lasers are like Swiss-army knives for the military.

  . Lasers are like Swiss-army knives for the military.  Laser microphones are allowing even the satellites able to hear what people are saying. The laser needs only the resonance target, and it can eavesdrop on people when the operator wants. The laser microphone can use things like the window for listening to things, what people are discussing. But the microphone can use also the resonance of the skull of the targeted person. And it can also scan the shape of the things, what are found in that area. The operation of the laser-microphone is simple, the laser just measures the changes in the distance of the oscillating layer and the system can hear every word that person says even in the middle of the street. The laser microphone can connect to the laser sight and the same tool can use as the laser pointer for smart weapons and laser-guided weapons.   The same tool can also turn into a communication laser and if the power is enough the system can operate also as a laser weapon. The las

Can supercomputers give us visions, what happened just after the Big Bang?

. Can supercomputers give us visions, what happened just after the Big Bang? The fact is that supercomputers are not traveling in time. They are calculating the actions and interactions of the universe backward. The supercomputers are calculating the decrease of the energy level in the cosmic bubble, what we are calling the universe, and then it tries to make the simulations how the decreasing energy level or temperature along with chancing gravitational and other effects are affecting atomic and subatomic interactions.  At the beginning of time, the universe was smaller, and that caused that the energy level in the universe was higher. When we are talking about the temperature of the universe we are meaning the energy level of that bubble. If we are thinking that the energy is the wave movement and subatomic particles like electrons, the density of those particles was higher in the small universe.  ********************************************************* The problem is that most of t

How gravitational waves affect their environment?

  How gravitational waves affect their environment? The gravitational waves might be weak, but they might also affect the universe. There is the possibility that gravitational waves affect the atom clocks, whose mission is to make high-accurate measurements about the time for the extremely accurate GPS-systems. There is no meanless effect in spacetime, where everything affects together. If we are thinking that the atoms in the atom clocks are well-protected and they are hovering in extremely stable conditions, the gravitational waves can affect those atoms.  Maybe that effect seems to be minimum, that it causes the error that is visible only if the measurement accuracy contains the decimal number, where are millions of numbers after the comma. But if the gravity wave will affect the atom clocks millions of times, that thing affects the measurements. The researchers are just now started to think about the effect of the gravitational waves.  The first time when the gravitational effect c

Dreams might have more purposes than we even dream

  . (Image I) Dreams might have more purposes than we even dream Dreams are playing vital roles in the life of humans. The purpose of dreams has been asked and researched from ancient Greece to modern times, and the thing that is known is that without dreams the person would not refresh during sleep. One purpose of the dreams might be to handle and prepare us to handle terrible or traumatic situations. During the night time brains are loading the neurotransmitters, but loading the neurotransmitters doesn't explain why people are seeing dreams, and why those dreams are not stored in memory. So if the purpose of the dreams is only to prepare us to face our fears, the question is why all our dreams are not nightmares? And if the purpose of dreams is to handle things that happened during the daytime, why dreams are so irrational? In dreams happens things, that are impossible in the real life, and that makes researchers believe that every stage of the dreams are serving a certain purpos

The Milky Way is full of rocky planets that are located in the habitable zone.

  The Milky Way is full of rocky planets that are located in the habitable zone. The problem with the search for intelligent lifeforms near the red dwarfs is that the conditions of those planets are so stable that the evolution would not start to favor intelligence in place of creating a large number of descendants. That means that the flare eruptions of red dwarfs that are making the dayside hostile to lifeforms would not enough for making the evolution favor the advantage of intelligence. The extinctions on Earth have caused that evolution has been favored intelligent species. The fast-chancing climate has caused that the species must start to search for their food from new places, and in that kind of operation, big brains are necessary. The dinosaurs were idiots if we compare them to us, Homo Sapiens. But we are not always thinking that the dinosaurs were the result of the long evolution. And if the meteorite would not on the Yucatan at the end of the Permian period there is the pos

Every type of lock can pick a lock or can they? (Can we cheat the biosensor?)

  . Every type of lock can pick a lock or can they? (Can we cheat the biosensor?) There are tales that every lock in the world can pick a lock. The fact is that picking the lock is a little bit different than breaking the lock or kicking the door inside. If the lock is just broken the owner of the house or room would notice that there were some quests, that are not called, and then that person would start the actions for minimizing damages.   Picking the lock means that the thief would slip in, and leaves the room without a trace. And that thing is important if somebody wants to steal passwords. If the lock is broken the security personnel starts immediately counter actions by chancing or resetting the passwords. So if somebody wants to steal passwords to servers that thing must happen without trace or the target will be alarmed. Nanotechnology allows making the bar, where are the small pistons, what can follow the serration of the keys of the lock makers. And the microchip of the key

Super-Earth and Darwinian evolution

Super-Earth and Darwinian evolution Super-Earth illustration (Image I) Super-Earth and Darwinian evolution Can super-Earth maintain lifeforms? That is a complicated question. The fact is that theoretically nothing denies the possibility that similar lifeforms with us can live on the surface of super-Earths. In this case, we must realize that the lifeforms, that are living and advanced on super-Earth are the endemic species, that are fully adapted to their environment. That means that those planets might be very uncomfortable for us, but those species can live on that planet very well.  But what makes that question complicated? The atmosphere of super-Earth is "flat". The gas is pressed near the surface of that planet, and that means it's not so high as the atmosphere of Earth. That means the cosmic radiation would go closer to the surface, but the mountains are lower, and those animals and intelligent species can have fur, which protects them against the UV-radiation. And

Single-celled slime mold can remember the place of its food

. Single-celled slime mold can remember the place of its food The mold that can smell the location of its food can be used as a biocompass. Or the same molds can be used to make the synthetic smell for robots.  The single-celled mold, what can remember the location of its food can give new visions for the evolution scientists. But the fact is that this kind of mold, which can react to the chemicals, voice, or magnetic fields can be used to control drones. If that sense of the mold depends on the magnetic field, it can make drones like letter dove. That kind of mold will make it return to base, even if the control signal is gone.  If the mold reacts to voice or certain chemicals, that allows using sound or some chemical marks for making drone travel with a certain track. The mold would put in the chamber, where the sensor is searching its movement. And then the drone would travel to the direction, where that mold is showing. If the mold can sense chemical marks from the air, it can be u

The speed of the quantum computer cannot increase unlimitedly.

.   The speed of the quantum computer cannot increase unlimitedly.     The minimum time for complex quantum operations is determined. The speed limits of the universe are also affecting quantum-size particles.  And this means that even the fastest quantum computers have limits. There are always limits in the universe.   The speed of light is one thing that limits the data transfer In normal space there is no object what can cross the speed of light. That means that the travel between the creator of the qubit to the receiver of the qubit takes little time. And also packing data to qubit takes little time. Those kinds of things are affecting the speed of quantum systems. The biggest bottleneck in quantum systems is the system that inputs data to the quantum layer. If the quantum systems can operate straight that would be the biggest revolution in that kind of system. It would make it possible to use in mission-critical systems. That thing would make the robots have very high-capable comp

What if we can make the operating system that can benefit the entire capacities of the qubits?

     (Image I) What if we can make the operating system that can benefit the entire capacities of the qubits? The fact is that we can make microchips that are interacting with the neurons. The interaction happens by using electric signals what are send through the neuron. This kind of system can benefit the small aerial vehicles, which are similar to what NASA send to Mars (Image II). The neuron would give the high-power computing capacity to the small-size independently operating UAV:s. Those systems are using the non-organic microchip for transmitting data to the neuron. In this case, the computer programs and instructions are stored in the non-organic layer of that hybrid microchip where the organic part of the neuron is connected to a non-organic microchip, and that system would control the vehicles.  . (Image II) In that kind of microchips, the neuron is acting as the quantum layer of the computer whose mission is to make the small-size systems independent. The neuron that can be

One thing about the black mold: is that fungus behind some of the cases of spontaneous human combustion?

  The black mold mycelium on the wall can look like fire damages One thing about the black mold: is that fungus behind some of the cases of spontaneous human combustion? Is the image above this text the result of the fire? No, it's the mycelium growth of black mold. Has the black mold eaten some victims of "spontaneous human combustion"? That mold is causing the same kind of marks as the fire.  There is a hypothesis that behind some "spontaneous human combustion" cases is the black mold. Normally that kind of fungus should not be harmful or it's minimum harmful, but if the person would not have the immune defense system because of AIDS or some kind of cancer treatment that kind of fungus can be very destructive. The "black mold" fungus seems to the fire damage, and if the person would not have an immune defense that fungus can destroy the body very fast.  The toxic black mold is forming the toxins, what might cause sweat and another kind of symptom

The molecular mechanism behind long-term memory has been found

. The molecular mechanism behind long-term memory has been found The researchers have found the long-term memory connection with the gene MPS-2, and that thing opens new visions for neuroscience. During the experiment, the researchers are using genetically manipulated roundworms, what genetic sequence of MPS-2 has been removed. That movement caused that the short-term memory of those ringworms was better, but then the long-term memory was lost.  That thing is the key element in bad memory in the elder ages. The fact is that this may seem meanless, but the experiment has opened to the road to discover the link between chemical combinations and electric actions in the nervous system. If the mechanism and chemicals that the neurons use to store the data in long-long term memory that thing will give new visions to rehabilitate patients with brain damage.  In this case, the cloned neurons can be used to replace the destroyed brain areas, but then transferring the memories to the cells is di

Black mold from Earth can survive on Mars

Black mold from Earth can survive on Mars Scientists have simulated the conditions on Mars by sending the bacteria and fungus to the outer atmosphere by using the balloon. That test proved that the black mold fungus could survive on the conditions of Mars. And that fungus can use as the base for the biological processes where the non-organic minerals are transformed to the base for vegetables.  The black mold can also be used to make synthetic tissues for injured astronauts. It can get the genome transplant, which makes it produce the needed cells for astronauts. The genomes can get from the bodies of each astronaut, and then those genomes can store for fast use in the genome bank, where is the genome of every cell group like the skin cells of each astronaut is stored. And those genomes will transfer to the cells of the fungus if they are needed.  The thing that black mold and some other microbes can survive on Mars is interesting. If we are thinking possibility to send the crew to the