There is a hypothesis that the antimatter stars are orbiting our galaxy, Milky Way.
In Space.Com magazine(1) is introduced a new and really interesting theory. That we must not go to another dimension if we want to find antimatter stars. There is the possibility that there are antimatter stars near our galaxy. The reason why the researchers believe that thing. Is that there seems to be too much antimatter in the universe, and this thing would open the fundamental visions to space.
If there are antimatter stars in the bubble of the Milky Way. That thing makes it possible that the entire galaxies in our universe are forming of antimatter. So the antimatter stars and antimatter galaxies are causing, of course, thoughts about the things like solar systems and planets that are like our solar system.
But we can ever walk on those planets. One of the scariest visions, which is connected with antimatter is that the Earth-size planets that are forming of antimatter are starting to travel in our galaxy. That thing would cause huge detonation. The fact is that if the star is formed of antimatter it would be like all other stars. It would live until the hydrogen storage in it ends. Then the star will start to grow to a red giant until it explodes.
The thing that makes that kind of thing very dangerous is that the antimatter is hyper-reactive. When the antimatter particle would touch its mirror particle the both of those particles are turning to energy. As I am written before the gram of antimatter can turn Earth into a molecular cloud. So defending against that kind of threat will look easy.
We must just take the stone and throw it to that planet. The annihilation reaction will be very powerful. The power of the detonation will be higher than a supernova. And that kind of energy load would push planets away from their trajectories.
The high energy load will cause the surface of the planets like Neptune and other Gas giants are starting to vaporize. And the releasing material will act like a rocket engine, which pushes those planets to travel to the internal solar system if the explosion would happen outside our solar system.
But in that case, we should destroy every single particle, which will release from that planet. If one bite of sand, which is formed of antimatter hits our home planet, that causes terrible destruction. And the power of the explosion will cause a large convulsion in our solar system.
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