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Showing posts from April, 2023

Today is Mother Earth's Day.

Today 22.4.2023, we celebrate the day of the only known habitable planet, our home Earth. The fact is this, even if there would be billions of species in space we are only humans in the universe. Other intelligent species might look similar to us. But they also not be humans. There could be billions of habitable planets in the universe, but still today, we have no technology to reach those planets. That means we must awake to handle things like pollution and global warming. The problem is that we have the knowledge to handle those things.  But we need the willingness to handle those problems. We know that our route will take us to doom. We have specialists who say that carbon emissions are one of the biggest reasons for that climate change. But then something is missing. Nobody even thinks about change.  The main question what would we expect about alien encounters and artificial intelligence? The general AI is one type of alien organism. And the description for the alien is the intell

Time dilation and interstellar travel

 I will not handle cryonics, genetic engineering, or transhumanism in this text. Those things require their essays.  Many times before researchers wrote about the possibility that interstellar astronauts will protect themselves against aging by covering their spacecraft using ion whirl that travels with the speed of light. There is one big problem with this kind of travel.  The universe expands all the time. And that means the energy level of the universe will decrease. The time dilation by using the ion whirl or Tipler cylinder is based on the idea that the system freezes the energy level of the craft at a certain level. That means the difference between energy levels in the spacecraft and its environment increase.  That means when the system removes the rotating whirl, energy will start to travel out from the spacecraft, into its environment with a higher speed. And that means that in this model the aging of the particles is very fast. So the problem is that the energy level of the c

The first contact with an alien civilization is most likely the contact with the AI-driven probes.

Even if aliens would have photosynthesis in their skins, they might send AI-driven probes, before they will go to some new solar system.  The AI-driven probes are most likely the first contact that we get with the Aliens. Futurologists created this model of the first contact. And they used our space programs as the model. In this kind of model, the machines go first. Maybe someday in the distant future, those travelers sent by humans. And they can make contact with primitive aliens.  And they search for suitable worlds to colonize. Even if aliens use wormholes in space travel that system requires that they will open wormholes to the solar system. And if there is nothing in some solar system they will not send manned crafts.  Even if the space travelers manned spacecraft is the giant artificial world like the O'Neill cylinder where time stopped by using a whirl of ions that is around them. Or the crew will be in hypothermic sleep that kind of traveler will send the unmanned probe be