I will not handle cryonics, genetic engineering, or transhumanism in this text. Those things require their essays.
Many times before researchers wrote about the possibility that interstellar astronauts will protect themselves against aging by covering their spacecraft using ion whirl that travels with the speed of light. There is one big problem with this kind of travel.
The universe expands all the time. And that means the energy level of the universe will decrease. The time dilation by using the ion whirl or Tipler cylinder is based on the idea that the system freezes the energy level of the craft at a certain level. That means the difference between energy levels in the spacecraft and its environment increase.
That means when the system removes the rotating whirl, energy will start to travel out from the spacecraft, into its environment with a higher speed. And that means that in this model the aging of the particles is very fast. So the problem is that the energy level of the craft must rise so high that it will not be destroyed when time dilation ends.
So every time, when the craft removes that cylinder it must make some kind of preparation. The energy level of the craft must decrease very slowly. Or the free energy released from the material destroys it.
"Interior view, showing alternating land and window segments" (Wikipedia/O'Neill cylinder)
The craft would use unmanned probes even if it would carry a crew before it enters the other solar systems. The preparation for that process would be very long-term. And that means the craft will not remove that cylinder or time-dilating system without a good reason. Whenever it removes that ion whirl or stops the rotation of the Tipler cylinder its material turns older.
In many visions, the futuristic interstellar spacecraft would be the combination of the O'Neill and Tipler cylinders. The O'Neill cylinder is the giant artificial world where are the plantations and other things. And Tipler cylinder is a fast-rotating shell or ion whirl that causes time dilation in the O'neill cylinder.
The craft can have two or more shells. The shell operates AI-controlled probes. And the shells that are forming time dilation in the manned capsule.
Those things would be very large-scale projects. And that means they will be possible in the distant future. In some visions, the high-power magnetic fields or electrons that turn those electrons into miniature black holes can keep this kind of structure in one piece.
The problem is that those crews will not return. But there is one way that can make this kind of system return to home even if the journey takes thousands of years. That thing is the time machine. In that model, the energy level of the craft will rise to the level that it will start to travel back in time. So otherwise saying, inside the craft will form a black hole. That energy level should be so high that it pushes craft into the fourth dimension.
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