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Showing posts from February, 2023

Roko's basilisk, thinking experiment about a system that means good but makes bad things.

At first, we must realize that AI doesn't make anything. The creators behind the system determine the purpose and tools that AI can use to reach its goal. I thought sometimes. Maybe, the idea for Roko's basilisk is taken from the Soviet Union.  Tools that Soviet leaders had made that state powerful and destructive.  Just like in AI, Leaders of the state determine what tools the state can use. Those leaders determine the influence the state can use if it feels that something resists it.  Also, those tools, like laws, determine the resistance's level and the type of resistance that causes that state affects some actions. Does simply words that "I don't like something" cause arrest? Or does that arrest require some other criminal activity like breaking windows or destroying the police cars  The Roko's basilisk is the ultimate state of intelligence. And, it's one of the most dangerous thinking experiments ever introduced. The original Roko's basilisk i

Neutron lasers and neutrino beams are the next-generation tools.

Neutron lasers and neutrino beams are the next-generation tools. If researchers can capture neutrons and neutrinos.  Neutron lasers are neutron clouds that are trapped in magnetic tanks. And the main problem with that system is how to get neutrons. The powerful magnetic field can trap neutrons from nuclear reactors. Neutrons are polar particles so the magnetic system can pull them backward slowing their speed. And then the magnetic field can lock neutrons in a magnetic chamber or tank.  Those systems have based on the idea that when neutrons are stressed with the energy they send neutron radiation. Those neutrons will capture from nuclear reactors. Then in the middle of the tank is the group of neutrons that are put in line. Then the energy will pump to those hovering neutrons. The neutron cloud that surrounds those entangled neutrons will pump energy to them. And they send neutron radiation in both directions. Below: A diagram of the neutron laser.   3         VV 1 (***********) 2 >