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There might be a new type of matter in the universe
Could the hypothetical "sterile neutrino" be the thing, that forms dark material?
The problem is that the "sterile neutrino" is the hypothetical particle, and we haven't got a single observation of the dark matter. There is the possibility that when the measurements, what are uncovering the size of dark matter would open the gate to the dark dark energy. If the size of the dark matter is known, that thing would uncover the frequency of dark energy. Dark energy is the wave movement, that we cannot observe, because the wavelength of that thing is so unique.
In the beginning, there is a possibility that the reason why dark material is invisible for all instruments is that it is forming by the hypothetical "sterile neutrinos". In that case, the radiation that dark material is transmitting is unique. We could not see that radiation, what is called "dark energy". Dark energy is wave movement that we cannot observe because its frequency is so unique.
When we are talking about matter and dark matter, we are talking about material that reacts and what doesn't react to electromagnetic radiation. The dark matter interacts only by gravity, and that thing makes it dark.
Most of the universe is forming of dark material, and that thing has caused the idea that is dark energy the emission radiation of dark matter. In some theories, the source of dark energy is some other dimension, but the fact is that if the frequency of dark energy will be found, that will open the unlimited energy source.
Is dark energy the emission radiation, what source is in dark matter?
If we are thinking that we would get observation from dark matter, we can get the unlimited power source, if we can get the frequency of the dark energy. We know that dark energy is the wave movement, what has the frequency, what we cannot observe. So that means if the dark energy is coming from dark material, that thing would make it possible to benefit that thing if the right frequency for the antenna has been found.
And if we are thinking that way the dark energy is the radiation that source is in dark matter. But is there a third type of matter? The grey matter, what interacts with the high power gamma or X-ray radiation. And in that case, the grey material is one of the most interesting things that physics has ever imagine. So are neutrinos the grey material, that interacts only when they are facing some extremely dense object like a neutron star or if they just hit things like quarks?
Could there be a third type of material along with dark and visible material? Can the hypothetical "sterile neutrino" the thing, that has replaced quarks in the structure of dark matter?
In this case, the form of materials could be:
1) Visible material
2) "Hot" and "cold" dark matter. Is this material dark, because it pulls the entire energy inside it? So if the dark matter would tie all energy that impacts it and would not send echo at all, that makes the material invisible. Or maybe it is forming the particles whose size is so unique, that it sends the radiation that cannot observe.
And in this case, that means that the size of quarks that are forming of that material is so different that the radiation doesn't cause oscillation to other atoms and particles or we don't have any tool that can notice that oscillation.
So could the dark matter form by the mysterious and hypothetical "sterile neutrino"? In this idea, the sterile neutrino has replaced the quarks in the dark matter, which makes it hard to detect and unable to interact other way than by gravitation.
3) Hypothetical grey material, which interacts only when high power Gamma- or X-ray radiation hits it. The material could be acting like a soft-tennis ball. The energy that causes the visible interaction should be powerful enough. So the grey material would suck the entire energy from around it.
Can neutrino star be possible?
If they exist, they are more exotic than fermion stars. And I found only one mention of that thing on the internet. So there is the possibility that this kind of idea is so new or so extraordinary, that there is no mention of it. And even those neutrino stars are possible, they are one of the most extraordinary things in the universe.
The neutrino is quite similar to a neutron. But it is far smaller or more highly energetic. There are three known types of neutrinos, and they all interacting with material by weak interaction. But there is a possibility that those three known neutrinos are like quarks, the bites of some greater particle, called "sterile neutrino". That neutrino would be thousands of times larger than other neutrinos. The neutrino has caused the idea, that could those particles forming things like stars?
Could the neutrino star possible? In this case, the only reference that I found about that thing is from the physics discussion forum, and I put the link there. But the neutrino (not neutron) stars are so extraordinary idea, that there is one thing about that topic on YouTube. So are neutrino stars possible? I think that this thing requires that the neutrinos have similar polarity with neutrons, and then they must form the structure, which is similar to neutron stars. But that thing is mentioned as impossible and I think that thing is at least very extraordinary.
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