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A couple of words about the lifeforms of Venus and Mars
We know that somewhere in the universe is another planet like our own plant. There might be similar lifeforms that are living on Earth. But then we must realize the thing. That similar lifeform can be bacteria or some kind of algae. And that means that the lifeform can be very primitive.
And the possibility that there would be some kind of algae and bacteria hovering in the atmosphere on Venus is one of the most exciting things that we can imagine. Do some bacteria cause the phosphine gas is found in the atmosphere of planet Venus?
If we find some very primitive lifeforms on that planet's mountain areas or at the clouds of Venus, we must remember that the lifeforms can travel to that planet with a probe that is not sterilized properly. And there is the possibility that the lifeforms on that planet if they exist are the bacteria which ancestors traveled from Earth.
But without samples and research, we cannot get real answers without research. We cannot get the evidence about the bacteria or the strange gas in the atmosphere of Venus. Without evidence, we cannot say anything about the strange gases like methane and phosphine, which is in the atmosphere of Venus.
Image: https://images.cdn.yle.fi/image/upload//w_1198,h_674,f_auto,fl_lossy,q_auto:eco/13-3-11540897.jpg
There is possible hydrazine at the Saturn icy moon Rhea.
There is possible detected hydrazine on the Saturn moon, Rhea. So the thing that makes that thing interesting. Is that there is a possibility the hydrazine is coming from the tanks of Cassini-probe. But the Cassini didn't use its rockets in the icy moon flybys.
And that thing makes the hydrazine very interesting finding. Is there some kind of chemical reaction on that moon, what temperature is about 100 kelvin, what forms hydrazine? Or did Cassini released hydrazine from its tank because of some technical problems? That kind of findings is interesting because hydrazine is used in rocket engines.
And if that fuel would drop on the moons like Rhea, that tells that there is the possibility that some probe can pollute the icy moons before they even start their missions. Things like found hydrazine are, of course, causing the theories about the alien space station, what is hovering in the water of icy moons under their ice core. Of course, those theories are only theories. But there is a vision. That in the future there could be man-made space stations under the ice of the icy moons. So that kind of vision is interesting, but their time is in the distant future.
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