Cyborg bacteria: the tool of tomorrow.
The new type of nanotechnology can use to make independently operating nanorobots. In those robots, the neuron is connected with microchips. And that will increase the power of those systems to an extremely high level.
By using modern nanotechnology it's possible to hybridize the nanomachine with the neuron. The idea is that the nervous system or neurons of the bug will transfer to the nanomachine, which can operate independently in the human body.
In this kind of case the nanomachine, which can be the bacteria that is implanted by using a microchip where is the biological component. Or it can be the silicon bag, that emulates the movement of the bacteria. The microchip is feeding the neuron, whose mission is to control the nanomachine.
And the instructions on how to operate will be delivered to the neuron, what interacts with the microchip, and controls the nano-springs, what mission is to move the artificial bacteria in the body. This thing can be the next-generation surgery equipment. The robot bacteria can be organic or non-organic. The non-organic robot bacteria could be the silicon bag, where is a similar movement system to bacteria.
Some bacteria use the vibrating wires for movement, and a similar system can be made by using extremely small electric engines and the thin kevlar yarn. The artificial bacteria can also be equipped with small nano-springs, what is reacting to a magnetic field, and this means that the artificial bacteria can also change their form. The electricity to that system can produce by using extremely small fuel cells, or the system can have miniaturized batteries in it. The neuron can also deliver electricity to that kind of small-size system, which can not even be seen with the naked eyes.
The gold and iron that are in acid are forming the small battery, which delivers electricity for that small cyborg. This kind of system might be used to take DNA samples from the cells that are inside the body. They can close blood veins to tumors and also map the blood and lymphatic system and search the blockages.
But as you might know, this kind of technology is dangerous in the wrong hands. The same systems are interesting to the military forces because artificial bacteria can also be used to block the veins in the human body, and that kind of system can cause a heart attack or apoplexy when they are closing vital parts of the blood delivery system. So those robots can be the next-generation novichok, the ultimate tool in the hands of intelligence.
The cyborg bacteria can be bacteria, which nucleus is removed and replace by using a microchip. The structure of that kind of thing can be organic, non-organic, or hybrid. That means that there could be connected the kevlar-net or kevlar yarns to that kind of system, which makes them move easier. Those nano-cyborgs can genetically manipulate to deliver antibodies in a certain place in the human body. Or they can remove the cancer cells. In that case, the system would operate like some vacuum cleaner, which pulls cells or some poisonous chemicals and radioactive bites from the body. So they can be used for many positive purposes.
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