Quantum teleportation of the particles has been done between laboratories and that thing can benefit in information- but also weapon technology.
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Quantum teleportation of the particles has been done between laboratories and that thing can benefit in information- but also weapon technology.
The image above this text portrays the model of quantum teleportation. As well as the photons the electrons and other particles can superposition or entangled. So that thing makes it possible to make many types of solutions for basing the idea of quantum entanglement, quantum superposition, and quantum teleportation.
Quantum teleportation and quantum superposition offer the ultimate computing tool, but those things can also be used in weapon research. In weaponized versions, things like superposition or quantum teleportation can use to send antimaterial particles through the walls. And there is no defense against that kind of system. The effectiveness of that kind of system requires that the positrons or antiprotons can superposition between certain distances.
In some cases, quantum teleportation and quantum superposition are mentioned as different things. But the quantum superposition allows making two identical particles, and quantum teleportation can create between those particles. The data can transport very effectively between superpositioned particles.
So that's why in this text I use the terms quantum teleportation and quantum superposition for the same purpose. Quantum teleportation is the key element in modern quantum computing. But the quantum teleportation and superpositioned electrons can transport data also between traditional two-bit electronic components.
But have you ever thought that superpositioning things like antimatter particles are also possible? The positron can turn to superposition as well as an electron. And that thing makes it possible to create the most horrifying things, that we ever imagine. If we are thinking possibility that the antimatter particles like positrons and antiprotons can superposition through the wall that thing makes it possible to weaponize that thing.
In theory, the antimaterial particles can superposition in a certain place, which can be the command center. Then the other positrons will send through the quantum channel to that point. In this case, the system can detonate the center. And there is no possibility to defend against that kind of system.
Superpositioning of particles would give the new and powerful data transportation capacity to systems. The superpositioning of a particle means that the particle will multiply itself to other particles. And that's why the superposition can also be called "quantum teleportation". Quantum teleportation is one of the most fascinating tools in quantum computing because it allows the transport of data between two or multiple components.
The multiposition is the case where the dominating particle will multiply itself to other particles, that are around it. The multiposition happens by using the electromagnetic field to one particle, which turns it overenergetic. The dominating electromagnetic field of that particle will cause that the particle will multiply itself to all other particles that are around it. So the multi positioning is the non-targeted quantum teleportation.
Normally the quantum teleportation is done that the laser ray (or some other frequency coherent electromagnetic radiation) will shoot behind some particle, and the energy of laser-ray will superposition the oscillation of that particle to the particle that is ahead of it. The superposition can make also by turning particle rotation extremely fast, and in some models, black holes can superposition themselves.
So the superposition of particles has given the idea that this kind of thing that the superpositioning the black hole is possible to bring data out from the black hole. What will break the singularity or event horizon, where even the light cannot escape? The answer is another black hole. So the idea is to make the small size black hole just behind the event horizon of the black hole. Then that black hole will put to superposition and then the data would travel out from the black hole, that an outside observer can detect things that happen in it.
Image: https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-017-07689-5
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