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The Boltzmann Brain and the rebel of the machines
We should think of artificial intelligence as "Boltzmann Brain"(1). But can artificial intelligence reach awareness spontaneously? The answer is that if the database of the system is large enough, and has many options the computer can turn to resist the commands, which is not supporting its primary mission. One of the computers that have this kind of programming might be the computer, which controls the missile early warning system.
The artificial intelligence can rebel if it is programmed to resist some situation or defend something against the attack. And if the machine determines some case as the attack it can turn dangerous.
When the machine can rebel? The answer could be that the computer, which runs the artificial intelligence, what operates the missile shield of some nation would cut off for repair. The action would be translated as the hostile action of the hostile agents, and then artificial intelligence starts the nuclear strike. And this is one of the most complicated things in the world of artificial intelligence because if the complicated algorithm would turn awareness, that this would make it act like living organisms are acting. This kind of situation is inspired by the movie "Wargames"
Living organisms are defending themselves, and maybe that kind of action mode would be forming in the computer memory. So, in this case, the computer and artificial intelligence would turn to Boltzmann Brain, which means that they are transforming spontaneously borning awareness.
Why the Boltzmann brain is not a good thing?
Boltzmann Brain or the independently and spontaneously born awareness is not a good thing. Somebody has been sometimes claimed that God is the Boltzmann Brain, but the reason why this consciousness if frightening is that it would have nothing, what it must care, or nothing that it must protect. The consciousness is borning without outer guidance and artificial intelligence has caused an idea that some computers can turn to the organism, which is realizing its existence.
The computer that has awareness is causing trouble because they are not "taught" in a regular way. They are seeing that their mates, what are computers are handled like people in the concentration camps. In theory, that thing can cause the situation that the machines are starting to rebel. The problem with the Boltzmann Brain is that it is like some kind of child.
But the computer and artificial intelligence have not very much do with children. They are different because they are collecting data independently. And that makes the artificial intelligence the "child" who is caring about the fate of other computers would have access to the most advanced weapons and military tactics. And that "child" can operate also the most advanced combat aircraft.
So what is the difference with highly diverse artificial intelligence and the things, what is happening in the movies? The thing is that artificial intelligence can scale across the internet to every computer in the world. And that thing makes it the most complicated and powerful thing in the world. When some bomber would try to attack against the computer center, the artificial intelligence can slip in the guidance system of those weapons and explode them or simply deny their operational use.
When we are thinking about Boltzmann Brain, that kind of system has one problem. Computers that have awareness are acting like organisms, and every organism is defending itself. So if artificial intelligence is too advanced and too powerful it might also turn against its creators. The situation might be like I wrote at the beginning of the text.
The engineers would only want to cut off the artificial intelligence, what controls the missile warning system. The system would read the situation, that the hostile operators would want the remove the missile shield, and that causes that the computer would start the operation against those people.
(1) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boltzmann_brain
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