When should we reopen?
If we reopen too soon, the result would be tear and pain, say epidemiologists, and here I must agree that thing. The epidemics are causing losses for economics all around the world. And at this point, we must realize that sometimes we must make a selection between health and our comfort. This means that if we are opening too soon, the thing is that the epidemics can increase.
And the problem with epidemics is that there are always people, who do not seem to be infected. This is the problem with COVID-19. Some people need a respirator, and other people don't even need to go to the doctor, because they don't even have symptoms. The second problem is that the virus doesn't ask nationality when it infects the patient.
All viruses that are infecting lungs are causing similar symptoms at first, and that means the separating dangerous viruses from others is problematic. There are people, who are a danger regardless of what kind of virus is infected them. AIDS and other patients, whose immune system doesn't work properly are at risk whenever they get some infection, and that includes normal viruses and bacteria.
When you are reading the next lines, please do not get angry. They are not mentioned for prosecution or some kind of request some kind of blaming.
There are also medicals, that is causing the situation, where the immune cells cannot fight against viruses and bacteria. Some of those medicals are used in psychiatric treatment. It's a public secret that there are also handicapped people in those institutions. But one of the facts is that the people, who are born out of marriage are getting more often in those institutions.
Here I must say heartlessly that old people are more comfortable to protect than some babies. Children would not give votes and dead children ever will give the vote. Old people are voting every time, and many leaders of the states are in the risk groups.
When we are thinking about things like handicapped children, who would ever give votes, there is always so much talking about price, what the intensive care costs. In the case of old people is not similar discussions, and that thing shows the way how people think. This is one of the saddest things that we always see when we are seeing epidemics and cases, where we are facing a situation, where we must select.
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