The problem with social media is, what if they are biased?
The problem with social media is that there is no way to give rules for things, what people are publishing in that media. That kind of thing is called censorship, but the problem is that what if somebody would use social media to make violent actions against other people. And then another thing is cheating.
How many people must tolerate things like spreading medical records or something like that? This is the thing, that we should think about when we are using social media. If we are thinking about things like publishing things, most people would be acting correctly, but then some of the users of the social media use that thing wrong.
When we are thinking about this kind of situation the similar case is in history. America's highway patrolmen commented on some motorbike gangs, they said that 99% of bikers were normal people, who followed the law, but 1% of them wanted to be outlaws. That one percent is the symbol for the motorbikers, who would not want to live in the society.
And the same thing is visible on the Internet. Most of the people want to be polite, and then some of them want to be some famous trollers, who would target almost everybody in the world. The thing that they are used as an argument on the Internet is that they have the right to say, what they want.
Censorship is a tough term. It is often connected with dictatorship and other things like secret police. The thing is that the far way radicals are people, who are considering the freedom of the speech and they are saying that the government is removing their opinions. But there are governments on the Earth, which are corrupted and non-democratic, which are using far-wing radicals as the excuse for censoring social media.
The most common misuse of freedom of speech is cheating and provocating people. And that thing is one of the most problematic things in the world. How to describe cheating or provocation? And what kind of provocation is prohibited? Is every image what doesn't please some people some kind provocation?
So there is a question of more than some kind moderation. There is a question what is the thing, what would justify banning some homepages or texts? Is the thing that some moderators just don't like some text the reason for removing that thing from social media? Or should there be some common orders about that kind of thing? And who describes the frames of the line?
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