Matryoshka principle in science and research
At the first matryoshka dolls are looking at the independent beings, and that might be true. But the matryoshkas cannot hide that they are members of the same entirety. Their colors, materials, and forms are always the same. Same way gangs are like matryoshkas. The gang members might look like independent actors, but they cannot hide their past.
There are always people, who have used some methods before, and the similarity in the actions is the reason, that they are learning from the same source. But there is always the first person, who has used some method first. This is the matryoshka model in sociology.
Matryoshka is the model of many things, what we are doing as a society and private life. When we are opening the matryoshkas, there is always final matryoshka, the smallest and hardest thing in the combination of wooden dolls. The same way we can think that sooner or later we would face the "final particle", the ultimate particle, which connects wave movement and material.
And even if researchers can someday find this particle, they can comfortably turn to solve other problems, like why there are animals on the planet called Earth, and why we exist? Of course, the high intelligence of human species can be explained, that some cells wanted to live, and in this case, the cells or natural selection chose another road, which caused that this road invested in quality and high intelligence. But what began that road? What was the first cell, which started to form neurons?
But every organism is not making that thing. When we are thinking about the trees and vegetables, they are advanced as long time as we are, but they are not intelligent organisms, or that is what we are thinking. Why those organisms are not created intelligence? When we are thinking about the entirety in nature, we must see that every single vegetable and animal have their specific place in entirety. Even those creatures looking like independent, their existence depends on each other.
They are organisms that are living on planet Earth, as well as humans are living. And the existence of humans depends on the most primitive organisms on Earth, which are forming oxygen to us. And the vegetables also bring the food for every single animal on earth. So why humans and animals have not skin cells, where are the chlorophyll-molecules? That molecule allows that the vegetables can form sugars in their cells, but why that molecule is not found in animal cells?
Is it so that animal or intelligent moving species don't require the ability to create oxygen and sugars in their bodies? Without chlorophyll molecule species require vegetables for food.
That kind of thing is one very big mystery, and the question is why some of the bacteria, what lived at the sea a long time before trilobites and ammonites started to eat other cells? There is always the first case of something. The first person who flew by using aircraft, and the first person who started to use some marks. There is always the first person, who had a crown. And the first person, who tied the winged skull on the west and said being "Hell's Angel". When we are thinking about our social environment, it looks like matryoshka.
There are many layers, and there are always things, that we are hiding from others. At this point, I must say, that when we are talking about things like social isolation and bullying, there is always a person who was the first one, who yelled: "get the fuck out of here", and something what that person used for making other follow that individual. Every single action is always the so-called prime mover, the thing that makes something for the first time, which means that if we would find that prime mover, we can find out, what was the reason for that kind of action?
In every case, there are always groups of people, but then there was the first group who made something. And here we can think about things like firs, we can say that every single descant of the firs is also firs. They cannot hide that kind of thing, and there is always the first fir.
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