The mystery of the Pentagon and the CIA UFO research is the methods, that those organizations used. Some of those methods are created to uncover the hidden domestic violence and things like PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder). The PTSD uncovers that it is the traumatic case, what was happen in the life of the person. Sometimes that stress disorder has though to uncover the things like has the person worked as a mercenary in the private operations.
If there is no report of the violation or assault and accidents, what might cause this syndrome, that means that something is covered. And there must be some reason, why somebody would cover things like an accident or the mutilation.
Were The research includes the memory mark research, where the nervous system of the person is searched by observing the electricity, which travels in axons. The problem with this kind of research is that the person would become suspicious, and the thing is that the images can also be shown by using the very fast flashes of images.
And the images can be put on the series, and when the image comes in the front of the tested person, that causes the nervous reaction in parasympathetic nerves, and that thing can be observed by using the lie detectors and fMRI (Functional magnetic resonance imaging). That kind of system is observing things like electric actions and blood transportation in the brain areas. This kind of system also uncovers if the person has hidden some violent actions from the young ages.
The thing is that even the fresh violation can stay out of the knowledge, and when the person would go home, that thing would not even be noticed. The attack was only the "small thing". But while sleeping or spending the night the things would turn to feel bad. The violation would turn to a thing, that would feel very bad.
Sometimes I have used the case, where the doorman would kick the person out from the restaurant using force. First, that thing would feel very minimum, but then the anger would start to rise. Feel that somebody touched the person, who was me, myself, and I feel very bad.
Even if some violent cases are done before a person cannot even walk, and they are gone from the normal memory, they come to the mind in every night, and that kind of thing causes things like PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder). Normally the PTSD is connected to the military actions and war, and this is the reason, why sometimes this syndrome is called "war psychosis". But things like assault and violent experiences like abusing causes similar syndromes.
The thing is that PTSD normally uncovers the traumatic violent situations from young ages. One of the details, how PTSD will be seen is the headache and violent behavior. This kind of syndrome is the case, where the traumatic experience is whipped out from memory, but the subconscious would bring flashing images in the front of the eyes of that person.
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