Riots and social problems in the USA
The problem with riots in the USA is that black people are protesting against the thing, which is well-known. They are seeing that the white majority, what is protecting themselves by firearms are using the police force as a security company. And the problem is that some white people are grown in attitude, that black people are criminals.
When that kind of person, who has been told at childhood that even if the black person would not make crimes at the front of them, they are doing those things somewhere else. When we are thinking about the white community and the far-wing radicals the thing, what those people want on both sides is that the black people would not discuss with white people.
When we are talking about organizations like Antifa, the will of those groups and organizations would be good. They are good willing people, who want to stop racism and other kinds of things. But the problem is that sometimes in the name of that organization would be used Molotov-cocktails against the property of regular people.
And this is one of the problems with that kind of group. There have been rumors or tales about the members of the far-wing "white power" movement, who have played members of Antifa, and they are starting to act as "Agent provocateurs" in riots.
One thing that makes this situation very bad is that the far-wing radicals are often shown the police officers as their members. They say that those people, who are carrying "blood cross" and assault rifles are acting with police, and that kind of signals are making bad things for the trust of the community.
The Ku-Klux Klan and another kind of organization are many times imply that they have a good relationship with law enforcement. And they are introducing themselves as the "real American patriots". The left-wing people are traitors and communists. "Patriotism" is one trademark of the far-right organizations. The thing is that also the left-wing radicals can be racists.
The far-right movements are often introduced as organizations, that have power. They are very pleased when pressmen are photographing themselves posing with automatic weapons. And of course, those people are wearing the army pants, and they are carrying their marks on their sleeve. Those images are giving an image of well-trained and well-organized groups.
But one of the biggest problems in the USA is the large police force, which would need work. And the thing is that without riots and another kind of thing that force is out of jobs. And what would some 30 years served police officer make if the job as police is gone? Another thing is that also every crack dealer in the USA is always blaming the police as racists.
That kind of situation is always bad for the relationships with police and other community. This is another problem. There are always people who want to make everything bigger. And one thing that is making very big money with this kind of situation are firearms companies. They are selling personal safety weapons to everybody, who wants to buy them. And that kind of thing is causing fear, that somebody is coming to steal those weapons, and set up the owner to guilty of murder.
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