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The large part of the universe is missing, as you might already know?
Where is the missing material of the universe? Is it in wormholes or is it some form of energy? There are two large things, that are dominating the universe. The first part is dark matter, and the other thing is more mysterious dark energy. So the most dominating effects of the universe are missing somewhere, but we know the existence of those forces, because of the gravitational interaction.
Are dark matter and dark energy the same thing, or are those things something bigger, what we ever imagine? Is dark matter only the quantum elastic material? In this case, dark matter could be the material, what oscillates or resonate with frequency, that it pulls all radiation in itself? And if the dark matter can oscillate with that kind of frequency, can we created the material, what is quantum elastic?
Quantum elastic material would be acting like foam rubber, and pull all electromagnetic radiation in it. And that means that we could not see that material. So that could be the key element in the next-generation stealth technology.
So the dark matter would be the material, what is acting like quantum foam rubber. The quantum foam rubber would be acting like foam rubber, but the size is smaller. And that means that it would not send the radiation echo from that material, which means that if we would create the layer by using the quantum foam rubber, that means we cannot see that wall. So the quantum elastic material could be the key to next-generation stealth technology.
The dark energy is the thing, that rips the universe to the pieces, and the fact is that nobody knows what the dark energy is? Sometimes some physicists have introduced a theory, that dark energy is the quarks, what are rotating or spinning a little bit too fast, and that thing causes the effect, what is ripping universe, and resists the gravity.
There are three theories, which can explain dark energy.
The idea is that energy is the form of material because the material can turn to energy, and energy can turn to the material. So is a dark matter the source of dark energy? And is the dark matter only the matter, what is too heavy, or is it material, what is stored in wormholes? Or is a dark matter the extremely high energetic form of material, what cannot escape from the wormholes?
Extremely massive objects like black holes are things, that have proven that the energy affects the material and the weight of the particles. That means that if the mass of black holes is directly proportional to the rotation speed of the singularity.
So in theory, fast rotating neutron or every other particle can turn to a black hole if it rotates with extremely high speed. In this case, the kinetic energy will increase the mass of the object, and turn it to a black hole. But what could be the dark energy? Is it only subatomic particles, what are rotating too fast?
The thing, what makes dark energy interesting is that it would give endless energy source, but the fact is that we cannot change it to another energy form, and that means that we cannot benefit that thing as an energy source. But the fact is, that dark energy must be some kind of electromagnetic radiation or some form of the other fundamental forces of nature.
Four fundamental forces of nature: https://www.space.com/four-fundamental-forces.html
Three theoretical explanations of the dark energy which can also explain dark matter but without observations of dark matter, proving those theories is impossible.
1) The miniature or quantum-size black holes, what is sending the radiation like other black holes. And that radiation would push particles away from each other.
2) The particles like quarks, what are spinning or rotate too fast, and that thing makes them like quantum generators. Those quantum generators could create the electromagnetic force, which acts like normal flashes of lightning, but what is invisible.
3) Is the dark energy, energy what is releasing in the highly energetic reactions in the wormholes? When black holes are pulling material in the Einstein-Rose bridge, that energy bridge is acting as a particle accelerator, and that means that the atomic and subatomic particles are impacting in that thing.
The reactions would release a very high energy level, but energy itself cannot escape from the wormhole. So that means that the dark energy could be the energy, that is stored in the wormholes between black holes, which means that it cannot affect the mass of black holes. But the mystery remains, and those things are the only hypothesis.
Is dark energy only the too strong quantum field?
The key question is could the mysterious dark energy the quantum field, what is stronger than it should. If the dark energy is the quantum field, what is "too strong", that means that material or subatomic particle would be too heavy. So is dark energy just quark, what rotates "too fast" and make that particle too energetic?
When we are thinking about the quantum generators, we must remember that those things would be acting like all other particles in the universe. That means that the poles of those particles would push them away from each other or pull them together. The quantum generators would be acting like normal magnets, but they are far smaller than regular magnets.
Dark energy is a massive force and the thing that makes it interesting is that it can be the thing that is making antigravity possible. The reason why dark energy is believed to be the holy grail in the antigravity is that it rips the universe in pieces. And that force, what makes the pieces of universe repel each other is the thing, what might make the dream of antigravity possible.
Where is the missing material of the universe?
The thing is that the large mass of material is missing in the universe. So where that material could be? Is stored in the wormholes? Or is it in the energy, what is forming in the wormholes? When the particles are impacting each other in those hypothetical bridges, they are forming an extremely high level of energy, which cannot escape from the wormhole, but the impact force is effecting the wormhole itself, and make its walls oscillating.
And are the high-energy reactions in the wormholes the answer for the existence of the dark energy? When the wall of the wormhole would oscillate because the high energy particles are impacting, that thing sends the energy waves through the universe.
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