Earth-size exoplanet orbits its star in 3,14 days, and new ice is forming at polar areas of Enceladus moon.
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Enceladus |
Earth-size exoplanet orbits its star in 3,14 days, and new ice is forming at polar areas of Enceladus moon.
New ice on Enceladus
Let's start about the Enceladus-moon. The new ice at polar areas might be the reason of the whirl, which is forming around the nucleus of that moon. When the nucleus of Enceladus is rotating, it forms the whirl at the polar areas and the friction temperature would rise water to the ice core of that water ball.
The reason for the friction is that the nucleus of Enceladus is rotating faster than the water core. And that causes friction, what warms the water. And that is rising water to the poles of that moon and forms the new ice.
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The planet orbits its star 3,14 days.
The orbit time of this planet is the same as pi, and this makes that planet interesting. The "Pi-planet" is too hot to support intelligent or advanced life, but it is really interesting otherwise. The fact is that in those planets the sun is shining all the time on the same side making it hot. And on another side would be cold, and there would be extremely strong winds at that world. So could there be lifeforms? The fact is that if the lifeforms use photosynthesis for getting energy, that process requires sunlight.
And if those organisms would be like organisms on Earth, that means they are using oxygen in the dark side. And this is the thing that makes research complicated. Normally we are thinking that the primitive algae are the beginning of the food chain, and their role is to produce oxygen from the carbon dioxide or some other chemical combination, which contains oxygen. And on Earth, those organisms are using sunlight in that process.
But at night time those organisms use oxygen in their night time processes. So the vegetables are splitting carbon dioxide into oxygen and carbon only when they are getting sunlight. At night time vegetables use oxygen like other organisms. So the problem with the locked planet is that there is a thick cloud layer over them, and that thing denies the sunlight reaches the surface.
So could there be some kind of lifeforms on locked planets? The fact is everything is possible. When we are forming theories about the extraterrestrial lifeforms, we must always remember that there are many things, what is affecting that kind of thing. And the primitive lifeforms could be more common than we expect. The most of bacteria on Earth can live as well in aerobic and anaerobic conditions, and that thing means that bacteria itself doesn't require oxygen so much as we want to believe.
And anaerobic bacteria are living everywhere like in the sewer system, which makes those places poisonous. But there are bacteria also on Earth, which are using volcanic temperature. So on extremely hot planets could live lifeforms what are using the endemic heat what they can get from the high-temperature atmosphere. Similar lifeforms are living on earth near so-called "black smokers" at the bottom of oceans and near the volcanic eruption holes and geysers.
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