The positronium and the energy source
Positronium is one of the most interesting materials in the world. Positronium is not an element, its system where electron and positron are orbiting around the same center of mass. That thing is forming by the electron and positron, which are orbiting each other. And the lifetime of that material is extremely short. The problem is that when the orbiting energy of the positron-electron pair is decreasing the positron touches the electron and it would cause the annihilation.
If the orbiting speed of the positron and electron is too high the combination of positron and electron is cut because the particles are moving in different directions. And if the positron touches the electron the annihilation reaction is the result of that thing. So the positronium is one of the most unstable elements in the world.
But how we can create stable positronium, and what makes that thing so interesting? We could put the positronium in the "bag", which means that if we can close that element inside the same quantum field, that thing would make the revolution in the power source research. The thing is that we can in theory create the nanotechnical chamber.
The mission of that computer-controlled hypothetical magnetic chamber is pumping energy to the positronium whenever the distance of the position and electron is too close. But if the energy level of positronium is too high, the distance of the electron and positron is too high.
Could the positronium form the quantum-size black hole between electron and positron? And if that quantum-size black hole turns to superposition, could that make it possible to use that thing as the remote view tool.
The question in the mythic remote view and time travel does that hypothetical phenomena have a connection with positronium? Does some situation or place allow that human being can form the quantum-sized black hole in the nervous system or near the optic nerve, what sends the electromagnetic oscillation to the sight center? Could this thing be the key to a question about telepathy?
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Does the positronium have a connection with telepathy?
What is the quantum-size black hole?
The quantum size black holes are objects, which are forming when the single quark or electron is turning to a black hole. So could this thing form the wormhole, which lets the photons travel through it, and that thing can create the electromagnetic "optic fiber", what can bring the light from another side of the universe?
In the positronium electron and positron are forming the lightning between them. And the lightning or quantum electric arc is sometimes forming the quantum-size black hole between the positron and electron, what might make the photon travel through the wormhole, what is forming between those quark-sized black holes, what are superpositioned in the certain distance.
If the black hole is sending the electromagnetic oscillation to the optic nerve that thing could make it possible to see to long-distance. Or if that quantum-black hole is oscillating with the same frequency with some other black hole, that thing can cause that the person sees the things that happen in the other solar system.
There is a possibility that if the orbiting speed of the particles of positronium is high enough that thing could cause the time dilation, which means that the time inside the object would start to move slower because the particles are rotating faster. And there is a theoretical possibility that the positronium can be formed in the body of the person. If the orbiting speed of those particles is high enough, that thing would make it possible to travel in time to the future.
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