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Enceladus in different directions |
Why new ice is not forming in the northern areas of Enceladus all the time?
How long takes, that this mysterious water world is going to empty? And the second question is why those icy geysers existed normally in the south pole of that moon? Is there some kind of mountain or hill on the nucleus, which causes a more powerful whirl on the southern side of that moon? There is only the small possibility that there is so much radioactive material in the nucleus of Enceladus, that it can form enough high temperature that the oceans are liquid on the surface of that moon.
So there is some external reason, why there is liquid water on the surface of Enceladus. And that external reason is the gravity of the planet Saturn and its moons.
The tidal forces that are causing by the gravity of Saturn and its other moons are keeping the temperature under the ice above zero degrees Celsius. Or the rotation movement of the nucleus of Enceladus is keeping the ocean in the liquid form. Near the southern pole are the mysterious stripes. Those stripes have an explanation of the waves that are forming under the ice(3).
The question about the ocean of that world is it melted all the time, or does the entire ocean got the seasons, where it is iced to bottom. And the other question is, where Enceladus has been formed. And where that water on that moon has been coming from?
The reason why scientists are not sure, why there is new ice forming on the mysterious Enceladus moon is that if the hypothetic whirl, along with friction what is causing by the fast rotating nucleus of that moon is causing the forming of the ice is not stable. If the new ice is forming only in certain periods, that thing means that the rotation speed of the nucleus of the Enceladus is not stable. And the other question is, why that new ice is forming at the southern pole, as I wrote before?
And something accelerates and slows the rotation speed of the nucleus. That means that the level of friction is also decreasing and increasing. But this thing is only a hypothesis, and the reason, why the new ice is not forming all the time is a mystery.
(1) https://www.foxnews.com/science/saturn-enceladus-moon-new-ice-scientists-arent-sure-why
(2) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Europa_(moon)
(3) https://www.cnet.com/news/mysterious-parallel-cracks-on-saturns-ice-moon-finally-explained/
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