Time crystals can give the solution for quantum computers.
The time crystal that google introduces bases the idea that the time crystal can change its state without outcoming energy. There is a link to that article below this text. The idea of this crystal is that when one group of atoms are in the low energy level, that brings the other atoms to a higher energy level.
And because the system cannot deliver its energy anywhere, that causes that the wave movement in that system continues forever. In this model, the energy travels between the atom groups, and that thing continues forever until the resistance, friction, or some other reason stops the process.
In image II you might see that the atoms are riding with the laser light. But the "real" time crystal that is self-sustaining without outcoming energy is waiting for its finder.
But if the plus and minus poles are different states that thing is much easier to make.
There is possible to make that thing by using the rotating molecules that have two states plus and minus. The poles of the molecules are determining the state. And when the molecules are in a certain position at a certain time. They can turn their opposite poles to outside. So when the poles of the molecules are switching their side. Molecule turn from plus to minus.
The requirement for time crystal is that it must move without the help of the outcoming help or force. And the second thing is that the particles of time crystal must move back and forth forever. There is a thing that might make this kind of thing possible. The most interesting possibility to make the time crystal is to make the crystal, where is the substructure, where is the 100 % electromagnetic reflection makes photons or some other particles move between those substructures.
The photonic time crystals base the 100% reflection.
In the photonic version of time crystals could be the mirrors with 100 % reflection. Those mirrors would be at both sides of the nanotubes. That kind of structure allows that photons can jump back and forth of those mirrors in the crystal structure without outcoming force.
The idea of a time crystal is that the force, that the system uses will return to the beginning point without outcoming energy. In the world of photons, that thing is possible if there is possible to make the mirrors, that reflection is 100% and where is no scattering or barriers and disturbing in the trajectory of the photons.
Image II Credit:Samuel Velasco/Quanta Magazine
But how to make the electromagnetic time crystal?
The model of a time crystal is the hall or chamber where are pillars. There must be two different series of pillars with two different poles. When an atom is hitting the negative pole it turns to a negative ion. And then the positive pole will pull that ion to it. And then the negative ion just must turn to positive and return to the beginning point.
The ions are moving between those pillars, which cannot their electricity to anywhere else than in the ion. When the ion jumps away from the pillar it takes the part of the electric store with it. And then the other pillar is pulling the ion to it, and the ion will fill its lack of voltage. The problem is how to make that thing in real life.
There it is possible to make the ion-based self-sustaining movement by using extremely weak magnetic fields and pillars where the atom is moving back and forth. When the atom hits the pillar it will push it away. Same time the energy would travel to the next pillar, which is pulling the atom to it. In this system, the energy loads of the system would change their place.
Or the position of the farthest point of electrons is changing. In that case, the system benefits from the elliptical trajectory of electrons.
But benefiting the extremely weak energy loads that thing can be possible. The researchers might find the answer to that problem in the elliptical trajectories of electrons. When the farthest point of the trajectories of the atom is on the side of the pillar. It will repel the atom if the negative energy load affects only to electron core.
Because the quantum field of it would not affect the nucleus of the atom. And when the nearest point of the trajectory of electrons is to the pillar it can reach contact with the atom's nucleus. But for success, that thing needs a very high accurate electric load.
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