Can gravitational waves turn coherent? Or can they polarize like light? or can they even reflect from somewhere?
Can the gravitational waves act like light? Can it be polarized or turn to similar rays with laser-rays? Can gravitational waves turn coherent? Can Coherent gravitational waves or gravitational laser be the system that allows moving very heavy objects someday in the future? And can the gravitational waves reflect from some wave layer? Those things are interesting. And maybe the attempt to see "real Big Bag" by using gravitational waves give answers to those questions.
If gravitation is the wave movement-particular movement combination like light, it should behave like light. If we want to see the gravitational waves that origin is in the Big Bang. That gravitational wave should travel in the opposite direction than material released from the Big Bang.
The theory goes like this: the material released from the Big Bang by following the ball-shaped form. So if the gravity waves are returning to the center of the universe, where the Big Bang happened. That thing requires the reflection of the gravity waves.
The research of gravitational waves might give answers for the questions like can gravitational-wave bounce off the surface. Is it someday possible to make the gravitational waves that are acting like laser rays? And can there be the gravitational wave reflection?
Or is there a similar effect with polarization in the gravitational waves? If we can polarize the gravitational waves, that thing brings many new paths for researching things like antigravity research.
Can we see the "real" Big Bang by using gravitational waves?
The shape of the universe is an interesting thing. The material that forms the entirety, that we are seeing is like in the gigantic ball-shaped form. That means that the gravitational waves that are released during the Big Bang are most probably in this area. So is it possible that we are riding with a gravity wave that is traveling just at the place, where our home planet is?
And if we are traveling just in the point, where gravitational waves are traveling, we cannot see anything more than these waves. But the weakness in this thought is that the Hubble constant is so slow, that the gravity waves cannot be so slow (about 70 m/s Mpc). So is the gravity wave that released from the Big Bang pulling the material behind it.
And that is causing an interesting idea about the negative energy. They are disturbances in the curvature of spacetime. And that causes an idea that when gravity wave, that is like the hill in the spacetime travels behind it is the low gravitational area.
Is gravitation the force that always strives to reach balance? So if this is true that means the graviton is true. And the gravitational wave is a traveling graviton cloud. The thing is that the gravitational wave is the traveling curve in the space-time continuum. But what causes that curve?
Or if we are thinking otherwise. Ahead of the gravitational wave is traveling the area that is putting the gravity field moving. When the gravitons the hypothetical transportation particles of gravitation are traveling through the universe, they are pulling energy away from the gravitons, which are at their route. There the force of gravitation is lower than at the wave or hill of gravity. At this point, the hill of gravity means the force of gravity.
So if there is a traveling low-gravitational area, where the gravitation is dropping. When gravitons, the hypothetical transporters of gravity are dropping to the pit of gravity, they are getting energy. And that raises the gravitational wave. Same way, when we are putting the ball to roll to the pit, there is the possibility that the ball is rising over the edge if it would be released from a higher level than the receiving level is.
So when the hypothetical graviton particle is starting to travel out from the black hole during their collimation the releasing energy level of that particle is so much higher than receiving layer. That means the hyperenergetic graviton will transmit its energy to other gravitons, and that thing causes the gravitation wave that travels across the universe.
Because if gravitation works like all other forces, it will try to fill low-gravity areas and stabilize energy levels. And this means that the gravity system is trying to get a balance like electromagnetic systems. If this is true, it requires that gravity is like some electromagnetic force, that its members always strive to reach a base level.
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