Many times there have been reported attempts to blackmail people by using search activities. In that case, the source of that data is not very hard to get. Somebody just got the list of the web pages that are visited from some sources. But sometimes the blackmailers are believing that they are not getting punishments and people are kindly just paying the price that those people are asking.
The blackmailers are also sending the data of themselves. And the tool that they are using uncovers the social environment where they are living. Also, the blackmailer's attitude to the targeted victim uncovers something about their position to the victim. If blackmailers are contacting people should follow the data, what those people are sharing.
The mentions about the cups and other things that are seen in the victim's home tell that those blackmailers have an informer in the close range of their victim. When the blackmailer is mentioning some things like cups we should make an analysis did we ever get that cup away from home? If we are using that cup only at home, that thing tells that somebody, who has access to our home gave the information, that makes the blackmailer feel strong.
If in the school cheating case there are no age mates of the victim visited in their home. And the cheater is mentioning some cups or paintings. That thing tells that there are some adults behind that thing. And also the phrases that the gang members are using (like" it is not afraid of that thing" or other cool feeling stuff) are telling about the group where the blackmailers are living. In the cases of cheating, the police should also document things that are written or drawn.
And sometimes there are similar drawings after 20 years. So that means somebody has taught the things, what those blackmailers are used to them. In that case, we might say that the crime is descending in the community. The methods that those people use are advised by somebody, who has experience in those cases. So are the parents of the blackmailers behind that kind of thing?
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