The Brain-in-jar aliens. The robot civilization and the cosmic phoenix bird could be good examples of non-carbon lifeforms.
The intelligent non-carbon lifeform could be the robot that is controlled by living brain tissue. If the robot can think, create new things, and make copies of itself it can fill the description of the living organism.
In some scenarios, the living organism and machine hybridization might be that the brains are under the glass dome in the computer center, and then they can remote control robots. This thing might give interesting ideas for making the new type of scenarios about possible alien civilizations. The alien itself would be only the brain that is connected with the life support system.
One version of the non-carbon lifeform can be the hybrid robots which are controlled by the living neurons. The system could look like brains that are under the dome. The brain tissue could be feed by using the nutrient liquid, and the chassis where those brains are laying must equip the system that is cleaning the blood and brings the nutrient for the brain tissue. So there could be the tank of bone marrow and the feeding system for that thing. The brains can remotely control the robot's body, which is following their orders.
The alien AI and the von Neumann robot could be the robot versions of the phoenix bird.
If we are finding alien artificial intelligence, we might be in real big trouble. In that hypothetical situation, we don't know anything about the creators of that thing. We don't know about the mission of this AI and we don't know who is the creator of that system.
Artificial intelligence is not probably spontaneously formed and that thing means that there is a living alien somewhere. Or maybe that artificial intelligence is remaining from the ancient aliens. That might face extinction a long time ago. The thing is that the alien artificial intelligence can remain even millions of years if that system is connected to the Von Neumann robot.
The Von Neumann robot could be the robot version of the Phoneix, the mythic bird that will lay one egg before it dies. And then that bird will be reborn from that egg. The robot version of the Phoenix bird is possible to make. Theoretically, this kind of bird can exist. It must just make the egg, where it clones itself and then that bird must have the nervous system, that transfers its memories to the next body.
In the robot version of the Phoenix, the system must only have the program that the robot needs to make the new copy of itself, and the new components for that body. Then this robot phoenix can download its memories and control algorithm for its new body. Then it might just destroy the broken body.
This kind of version of the alien artificial intelligence will make a copy of its carrying vehicle. And then the AI would transfer itself to that new body, where it can turn to use its renewed microchips and another system. That kind of cosmic phoenix bird can continue its mission forever or so long that it can find materials and energy for its operations.
The thing in the cases of the alien spacecraft and alien probes is that we would not know what is the mission of that system if it someday lands on Earth. In most scenarios, alien probes or artificial intelligence-controlled robots are the first contacts with another civilization. Before an alien is deciding about discussions with us. It must know what kind of species we are. And the same way we should know what kind of species the alien is before we are starting to discuss it.
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