The Greenland ice has melted faster than ever before. And the same phenomenon is seen probably in other places, where are glaciers.
The arctic ice on Greenland has melt because of the heatwave. And that thing can release the bodies of the animals and humans to the sea. Those bodies might be buried in the Viking era or in the time of great sails. And many of them are reaming in extremely good condition. The fact is that Greenland is not the only place on the Earth where are glaciers. The melting glacier can also cause a tsunami, and that's why melting glaciers are dangerous.
The problem is that those bodies, which might be buried about 1000-300 years ago can carry infectious viruses and bacteria. The fact is that those viruses and probably bacteria can cause infections to people. But there is a small possibility that also the viruses that caused infections to Neanderthal humans can transfer to modern humans.
15 000 years old viruses are found in Tibetan glaciers, and that thing seems very interesting and at the same time scary. Nobody knows how long the genetic material of viruses can stay infectious. The virus itself is the protein package where is the DNA or RNA molecule inside it. The thing, that makes this thing worrying is the construction of viruses.
The lack of the own metabolism makes it impossible to verify the virus's ability to cause infection. The air and electromagnetic radiation with the thermo-effect and oxygen destroy the genetic material and proteins of the virus. But the problem is the ice and water are protecting viruses against electromagnetic radiation.
The low-temperature conditions are also eliminating the chemical processes. And that means if some ill animal has been buried in the ice the viruses can retain their ability to cause infection. The area where the viruses are is also important. In the highlands like Tibet, the cosmic radiation can be stronger than in places like Greenland. When ice is melting in Greenland or Antarctica. The level of cosmic radiation and UV radiation that impacts those viruses at sea level is much lower than in the Himalayas where mountains rise over 8000 meters.
So the viruses can survive in those cold lowlands and there are more things like fishes or birds at those lowland areas which have straight contact with the ocean than at the high mountains. So the virus can transfer to the fish, what is eating nutrient what the ice brings to sea. Then the bird will eat that fish, and the virus is transferred to the bird. Or there is the possibility that fisherman gets the virus-infected fish, and then that thing brings virus to our dinner.
Those old viruses can store in the bodies of rats and their excrement. So when the corn, which is polluted by that excrement will flush to sea, that means the virus can transfer to fishes or some animals that are eating carcasses. If they think that those frozen rats are fresh. And I don't know how sharp those animals are anyway about their food.
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