Pedophilia and the problems with politics
People can claim everything as the "conspiracy theory". Child abuse and pedophilia are disgusting things. The fact is that wealthy pedophiles can travel to other countries, which means they would not make any crime even they are buying sex from underage people.
The conspiracy theories are good selling stuff, and one thing that those things can do is destroy the reputation of the people. Things like child pornography and pedophilia are a good stuff if somebody wants to destroy the career of the top politician. And the deep fakes and image manipulation are the things that might be effective tools in the hands of the political opponents of some politicians.
Politicians are well-known people and people are interesting in their private life. And there is easy to deliver rumors about the "forgotten investigation" that is targeted to those people, who are very powerful. Things like deep fakes and image manipulation are good tools in the hands of the defenders and prosecutors of the person, and the defense can claim every evidence in the courtroom as "the deep fake image".
The fact is that pedophilia and sexual abuse of children are prohibited in the modern western world. But the fact is that this kind of thing might not even mention in the law books of some other countries. So the laws of the western nations are not stopping child rapists if they have money. They just go to other countries, where is no law about that kind of thing, and make things what they want.
So traveling to another country to make crimes are problematic things, and during those trips, somebody might take a photograph of the person, who buys sex from underage persons. But also things like image manipulation programs can be used to make the person a pedophile. That means the person must not even visit the countries, where pedophilia is not a crime. By using deep fakes and image manipulation the person can stamp as the child abuser.
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