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Is Black Hole the thing, what created the universe?
In the beginning, was the giant black hole. Almost all of the material that is forming our universe exists. Then something released material to the universe. Somebody asks, why I write "almost all material"? The fact is that in some theories there were universes before our universe. And that means there could be remainings from the universes that existed before our universe.
If we think of the possibility, that a black hole gave birth to the universe, we must realize that the entire material of our universe was once in one place packed in the point called a singularity. The universe before the Big Bang was different than our universe. There was no remarkable level of energy and material outside the gravity field of the singularity.
Possible there was some kind of echoes from the past universe remaining in that almost empty dimension. There was no time dilation outside that singularity and the difference in the speed of time at the point of the event horizon and outside the gravity field of the giant black hole was huge. But when we are thinking about the forming of the early galaxies there was needed some kind of disturbing.
This disturbing effect caused the first galaxies and stars were forming. In the most practical theories is explained that some part of the material released in the Big Bang dropped back to the singularity and formed the black hole. Maybe some atomic nebulas collapsed to black holes and they have formed the whirls, which became the first protogalaxies.
The thing that causes the collapse of the entire atomic cloud is the heavier object in the middle of the nebula. If the conditions were right, that thing can cause that the entire nebula would start to collapse. But if we are thinking that way, we should ask, where the heavier particle came from? If that heavier particle was some kind of atoms like helium the thing is that atom came from somewhere. So what caused the forming of the first black holes?
The shockwaves from the black hole caused the first stars started to form. Maybe that shockwave was the energy pylon, which impacted the hydrogen nebula, and turned some of the hydrogen atoms heavier, which made the impacting and accumulation of those atoms possible. And the main question is what caused the forming of the first black holes in the universe, where all material was hydrogen?
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