The problems with dwarf states are also huge.
The dwarf states are problematic in the international field because they have a weak police force. That means that the criminal organizations can take the control of the extremely small states quite easily. When we are thinking about dwarf states, we always want to respect their independence. But otherwise, we must understand that they are also states, and what if some police in dwarf states use torture or allow money laundering?
What we would do in that case? Why small states have more often non-democratic state forms than big states? If the leadership of the state is ordered to the monarch, who will inherit the position, that thing might cause problems. What if that kind of person would use the death penalty if there is a marked in lawbook possibility that the leader of the state has this kind of right if somebody resists that kind of person? What if the ruler of the small state wants to do that kind of thing?
The fact is that small states are not mentioned as threats in the same way as the big states. And that makes things like some monarchs allow to give orders in some very small states. That thing makes those states problematic because the central banks of those states are offering a good opportunity for money laundering. If the small state leaders want to become the Mafia-boss, they would be protected by diplomatic immunity. This thing makes the dwarf state an interesting target for a criminal organization.
The central bank of the weak state will offer a good place to store the money, which is earned by criminal activities. And that is the reason, why the dwarf states are sometimes causing discussion in the global field. If we are thinking about the bosses of those countries, how we know that they are even alive? If some criminal organization would kill the leader of the dwarf state, and then use the bank for money laundering, that thing is possible, if the boss is ever showing the face outside the palace.
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