Will Brexit ever end?
When we are making something without concerning the results, the road that we choose could be tougher than we think. The Brexit is one example of a thing where thoughts about their benefit turned to the long and heavy road in the path of the juridical questions. Wars are easy to win or lose, but juridical actions are something else. The thing is that the free-trade contracts between the EU and Great Britain are problematic things.
And the biggest problem of the trade relationships is that if Northern Ireland or the Isle of Man would get special treatment, entire Britain can import goods through Ireland, and that means they would not need to pay taxes. The same way the people, who are living near the tunnel of the English Channel could order their food from France, where that kind of product is cheaper. The thing is that Great Britain has one problem with the relationship with the EU.
And that problem is that some people in the EU think that Great Britain wants just benefit from that area but they don't want to take apart in payments. There is always a need for cooperation but cooperation would need the payments. Somebody would need to pay the price. The fact is that cooperation means a situation, where all sides will get the benefit. This is the thing that is a problem with the EU.
Militaristic nationalism is a good tool for breaking NATO.
The problem with militaristic nationalism is that is offering the wooden horse for Russia for creating more new types of weapons. And those things offer Putin to increase the defense budget because that man claims that Russia is under attack or at least under hostile actions. The reason why Kremlin could support right-wing nationalists is that they want to break NATO. Breaking the NATO would make Russia more powerful than ever before.
When some nations would earn better than others, that nation would not want to take apart in the financial support for the nations, which have a weaker economic situation. The stable economic situation in the European area is thought as the guarantee a peaceful situation, but some national leaders want to increase their national defense by using that money. The fact is that the bad economic situation along with strong nationalism is things, what is causing war, and the bad economic situation raised Putin to the leadership of Russia.
The strong and militaristic nationalism is also a thing, that makes possible the provocation against Russia possible. And those provocations are given reason for war in many cases. The people who make those provocations can be private actors. And desperate criminals like high-class drug dealers, who would not have anything to lose can attack the Russian embassy by playing governmental actors and that thing can cause full-scale conflict.
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