Quantum clocks, and how to make them?
One of the most exciting ways to measure the time is to use extremely short-wave radio waves. In this model, the wave movement is impacting the electrons, which is forming a tunnel around the wave movement. And when the wave movement is hitting the electron it will release the photon, which can be measured. That thing can create extremely sharp time measurement possible.
So the elimination of disturbing elements is the key element of that kind of system. That means all other radiation that is coming from other sources than controlled radiation sources must remove from the system. That problem can solve by using so-called nanocrystals. These nanocrystals are made by using carbon or metal atoms. But the best result will be to get by using hydrogen atoms, which are sending the radiation what has the shortest possible wavelength.
If we want to make the system, what sends the shortest wave radiation to some atoms we should make those crystals by using hydrogen, which is cooled to zero kelvin degrees. And then the mono frequency laser will target to that icy hydrogen crystal, and the radiation would send to the targeted atom, what is sending the photons to the sensor.
The oscillation will send first to that very small crystal, which is sending the extremely stable and accurate radiation. To eliminate errors and non-controlled oscillation the temperature of the nanocrystals must be extremely low. The crystals are cooled to zero Kelvin degrees that they are sending the radiation with extremely high accuracy. That means that the extremely small atom formation is stressed by using the mono-frequency laser, and that thing will send the radiation straight to the measurement system what can be the photovoltaic cell.
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