Difference between normal and philosophical way to think
The philosophical writing can handle almost everything. Sometimes people might laugh when I write about plastic bites and other things, which might look very common, but somehow I always find something, that I may be supposed not to find. But don't worry the most well-known philosophical problem is handling thing, what is one of the most common in the world. That thing is a glass of water. The problem or an example goes that when the professor comes in the lecture hall, that person always puts the glass of water on the table.
What is the difference between the everyday way to think and a philosophical way of thinking? Everyday thinking is that there is a glass of water. And the philosophical way to think about this kind of thing is because there is a glass of water, we might ask why there is a glass of water? Or what happens if there is no glass of water? Is there some kind of deeper meaning about that kind of glass? The thing in a philosophical way to think is that the idea is to find the deeper essence of the things, what is looking like easy. And the questions what should do with philosophical writings and other things is to make three questions about the thing, what is under the supervision.
1) What is the thing?
2) Why the thing is where it is? Or why that thing is so interesting?
3) Why does it look like something?
In this writing, we might see the plastic bag. So we might notice that thing is a plastic bag, and nothing is interesting about that thing. But what if that plastic bag is on the table of some table? Did somebody left it there in purpose, or why that thing was not taken to the garbage? Was the purpose to give that plastic bag to somebody else?
And here we might realize, that the thing is that there might come personnel of the staff, and at least remark of that kind of garbage. So the thing why the plastic bag is looking like something is the bag can be identified, but this example is meant to show, how the deeper way to think might uncover something very interesting in the everyday life. This is why some people in ancient Greece started to think things, like the deepest form of the material.
They made an idea that there is somewhere deep inside the atomic structure is the "Atmos", a particle that we cannot dismantle. The same way we can think things like states. Sooner or later we would face the end of the line, of people who are the leaders. And then we are facing the person, who is the top leader. So those philosophers thought that "atmos "existed.
There must be the final form of material, which cannot be section anymore. But we are not found that final particle yet. The researchers are finding smaller and smaller particles inside the quarks. But they cannot find the "atmos". That thing is the gate between the wave movement and material. But we will always find another and another particle.
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