COVID-19 and genomes
1) Why some people would get only mild symptoms because of the COVID 19 and some other dies because of that virus.
Some people would not get COVID-19, and the reason would not necessarily be genetic. There is a possibility that some people would get immunity against the virus because they have infected earlier by a similar virus.
The reason why some people don't get COVID-19 is interesting because that thing can uncover many things in the genetic structure of mankind, and the thing is that the if that genetic ability is found, researchers could find out, does that genetic sequence some connections with the ability to resist the other viruses. This thing might be a revolution for medical science.
But the way to research that kind of genetic ability is really interesting, and at the same time difficult, because there are four main types of people, who would face COVID 19, and in this list, those people are listed in the level of symptoms. Here the "mild symptoms" mean people, who can stay home during infection.
A) People who would not get symptoms at all
B) People who would get only mild symptoms
C) People who would get bad symptoms or who would hospitalize
D) People who will die without special treatment or have died because of virus
2) The mild symptoms can cause that the most interesting group of those people are not going to COVID 19 tests
The reason why researching this thing is difficult is that the researchers should at first confirm that people who are tested have COVID-19 infection. And if the symptoms are mild, that would mean that the people would not go to tests and that thing leaves the most interesting of those people without testing, and that means that the genetic material for the databases cannot be tested. Before researchers could confirm immunity what causes resistance against COVID-19 they must make sure that the person is exposed to that virus.
The thing that makes the two first groups interesting is that the reason, why COVID-19 doesn't infect them could be that they have the antibodies, what is already in their blood. And that means that those persons could have an infection by a similar virus sometimes before. If some other virus would have similar antigens that would cause that the antibodies effect also to COVID-19.
3) There is always the first infected person even in large-scale epidemics
In this case that the immunity against the virus would be caused because of the earlier infection, which would exclude the possibility of difference in the genetic structure of some people. This thing is one of the most interesting parts of the research the viruses and infections. There is always "person number one", or the first person who has infected by some organism.
If we are thinking that we would find the genetic reason, what causes immunity against the COVID-19, the reason for that immunity would be interesting to find. Is the chemical environment of those people somehow different than others, or is their physical or chemical structure of the blood cells somehow different than other people? Is the blood type of those people so-called "RH-", what could make it possible that the virus cannot touch the blood cells. But that thing is purely hypothetical.
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