The word "secret" is the best magnet, what the homepage can have
The best method to make people read your opinions and texts is marking them "secret". This thing has been seen in many cases in history. If the "Top Secret" stamp would not use, the secrets remain somewhere, what we cannot even imagine. Who would pick the "Majestic-12" documents from the garbage of Pentagon, if there was not that very well known stamp, what tells that the document is secret?
Or who would pick and read the book from the table, if there was no word "diary" or "please do not read"? This is the thing, what we must understand when we are making notes and writings. If there is no word "secret", "confidential" or personal, who would even notice some notebook on the table? Or who would even read some papers, if there is no word "personal"? This is the most interesting things, what we ever have seen in human nature.
Only things, that are personal or secret are interesting. When some people are talking or telling us something, we don't even notice that person. But when we are finding the personal diary of the same people, there are about 20 persons to read those things, what that person has been written. So should we every time write things to paper, and mark them "secret" if we want that other people notice us, and are interesting in our opinions?
Is this the thing, what should be told in schools, that only things, what are marked "non-public" are making some person and the opinions, what that person has interesting? This thing is that if we are talking about the taste of music or what is our favorite food the different opinion doesn't make somebody stupid. There is no right opinion about that kind of thing like a favorite food or favorite music in the world.
And the question, what I like to share is a person, who has other opinions, what other people be some kind of boring person. And is the boring person always the thing, what must be removed from the group? If we are looking at people, who want that others follow them in every case, there would be one very polite thing to do. Why those people who get angry about the different opinions, if they haven't told others what kind of thing pleases them?
Full metal leadership seems good in movies like "Full metal jacket". So why a leader must even ask the opinions of other people? Why that person would not turn the morning palaver to the cadence of the army, where that leader says something, and others repeat that thing? This guarantees that there are no opposite opinions on that team. And the leader must ever confess, to being wrong in some cases.
Maybe the gang, what acts like some army company during cadence is feeling good for those leaders. Do you know what is "cadence"? Its the thing, where the leader says something, and then others will repeat those words. So if the leader wants to turn every discussion to the cadence that's the leader's business. In that case, the person would hear only the opinions, what that person has.
Then that individual, who is so cute and nice can walk to a mirror, and say "I'm a very good boss, and everybody is following me in every case, what I can say". Maybe that thing is an effective way to lead teams, and that is working in the most legendary war movie "Full Metal Jacket". So we can take those leadership methods, what is introduced in that movie to business life. That highlights that somebody believes leadership strategy, what we can call "full metal leadership".
And maybe that is the thing, what would put the leader in the right place. But how many people would want to work in that kind of company? So we can always ask new workers from the employment agencies, but the risk is that the reputation of the company starts to grow, and then we must hire people from farther and farther.
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