Never trust artificial intelligence blindly
What is artificial intelligence? The answer is that thing is the combination of the sensors, software and other tools, what are making things, what are predicted in the databases. But even the best and most sophisticated artificial intelligence programs cannot make own decisions or think abstractions. They can make lines and other geometrical forms, what is pleasing us, by using our biometric data, but artificial intelligence cannot make any reasonable forms, or it must have completed databases.
The number and value of the data can change the things and of the system can use the images of houses, it could act as the architect. In this case, the system uses the images of houses and their floor plans, and connect those things to Virtual Reality, and follow the reactions of the client, that system can act as the architect. Of course, things like formulas and other orders would limit the working area of the computer, which makes this kind of things lighter for the computer. But the question is, how good those plans would be?
In this case, the major role is in the data, what has a certain form, and what contains limited information. But what if the system must create something without formulas or stored photographs. That would be a long and painful process because the computer itself doesn't know that it plans the house.
One of the biggest dangers of the use of the internet is that we are forgetting that the data, what is driven to that system is made by somebody. That means that the errors in the data, what is collected are possible. The major thing on the internet is that the system itself would not create information. That means that artificial intelligence just processes data, what it gets.
And that means that artificial intelligence cannot see dreams or it doesn't have imagination. That kind of thing is making the computerized systems safe. They cannot make surprising decisions, or can they? There is a probability that the artificial intelligence has some errors in the programming and this kind of things can make it dangerous.
It collects the data from multiple sources like sensors and files, which are stored in that system. And the system can turn useless, if the sensor, what brings data to the system is delivering the false information. If the seismic sensor, what purpose is to meter the seismic impulses locates near the highway, that thing might register multiple quakes in the short period, and the artificial intelligence can translate the data, what comes from that area as the high-risk of the earthquake.
But the fact is that the highway can cause the seismic waves, what are forming by the micro-vulcanism are left without notice. Micro-vulcanism is sometimes a mark of the old crater of the volcano, which is buried under sediments.
Also, the words, that programmers are stored in the database are causing errors.
Also sometimes the programs, that are used in space research are telling that some images are introducing "alien infrastructure", but in this case, we should describe the word "alien infrastructure" better, for avoiding the misunderstanding.
In this case, the problem is in the description of the world. Does that mean some unknown structure or structure, what is formed by the intelligent life form? Sometimes in some publications, every extraordinary object is named as the "alien structure". And as an example, the term "alien planet" or "alien world" is used to mean every exoplanet, what are orbiting other stars, regardless are they habitable or gas giants. Sometimes the term "alien world" means every other planet than Earth, and this is the thing, that might cause misunderstanding.
But can we trust the artificial intelligence? The thing is that when computers are collecting the data, the collected data can be manipulated. In this case, the manipulation of data can be happening by selecting the source, what is supporting our ideology or some other purposes. The manipulation of the results, what artificial intelligence gives is a similar action with the manipulation of Gallup-polls. In theory, the manipulation of Gallup-polls is impossible, but we can use the data source, which might have the opinions, what is supporting our purposes.
The manipulation of Gallup-polls can happen by selecting people, who are punished for over speeding. Then we can ask their opinion of the automatic traffic surveillance, especially if the automatic speed control has brought the speeding ticket to those people. The results could be very well predicted, and this is a similar action, what we can do with artificial intelligence. If we are selecting the data source in the research of the use of drugs to places like cancer-clinics, we can get the result, that most of the people would use opiate-based drugs.
This kind of manipulation of the data sources can give wrong answers. And that can be dangerous because the political movements are interesting about the opinions of the people. Those people who are attended to the parliament are making their promises by using the data, what is collected from people, and in this kind of case, the opinions of the people are really important.
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