Fungus as the new bio-material
The idea of the fungus houses (1) is one of the weirdest and most innovative solutions for the next-generation cities. The idea is that using the genetically engineered fungus's, where the genomes of diatoms and normal fungus are connected with the genomes of the tallest trees on Earth.
The solution would allow creating even the houses, which is rising without the need for the work, and when the height of the fungus is high-enough the builders can hollow the rooms and stairs to that fungus. This is one of the most interesting ways to make ecological and useful structures for the people, who are living in the town of the future.
But the thing is that fungus can benefit in many ways, and one of them is that the giant mushrooms can be used to protect people from hot weather. The idea is that the giant fungus is acting as an umbrella, they can be used to keep the city comfortable. This is one of the most interesting solutions, that is ever created in the field of biotechnology. But the problem with this kind of thing is that the structure of fungus must be hard enough.
Only imagination is limit for the people, who are working with biotechnological solutions. The fungus is also planned to combine with genomes of the fireflies, which makes them shine the bio luminous light. That offers the possibility to use fungus as the light source. This could be one of the most practical solutions in the field of biotechnology because that allows creating light that doesn't need electricity, which makes it a very good tool to operate as the emergency light.
The fungus can be used to make biodegradable plastics, and also give material for everywhere, where is always used plastics. The material, that fungus produce is so-called bio-polymers. Those polymers can be used to replace the regular and non-organic polymers. Biopolymers can create by removing the internal parts of the cells of fungus, and then screw the cores of the cells as the thin fiber. That kind of material could be the plastics of the future.
The thing that fungus's need is the waste or rather saying biological waste, what it can use as a nutrient. The mushrooms can handle waste, and they can produce also light, but that organism can use most traditionally as food. A fungus is traditional nutrients for people around the world. That means that the fungus can grow in the waste, and use it as the food, which makes it easier to handle garbage, which the city is producing all the time.
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