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Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855) |
Prime numbers and the men, who were working with them
Carl Friedrich Gauss, mathematician, and genius
Carl Friedrich Gauss (1777-1855) (1) is the man, who created the method of standard deviation, and this is why the diagram and the calculations, what is used to get that thing, what shows standard deviation or SD is called the "Gaussian function(2)". (One remarkable notification is that the abbreviation of the "standard deviation" is SD, what is also the abbreviation for Nazi-Germany's security service Sicherheitsdienst, SD (3)). That person created many works in the field of mathematics and Non-Euclidian geometry, and that man had a passion for mathematics. Mathematics is an exact science, which means that the mathematician must follow the rules, for getting an answer from the calculations and mathematical formulas.
This means that because mathematicians must prove things by using the mathematical methodology and following the rules of calculations, that means that the person who wants to be mathematician must have the passion for that science, what is at the same time practical and virtual. Gauss invented the conjecture, which could be used as the calculations for finding prime numbers at the age of 15 or 16, (4)and this conjecture was leading that man to the field of mathematics, and he made excellent work with his passion almost all his life. When Gauss created his conjecture for calculating the prime numbers that thing was the most effective way to calculate the numbers, which has a key role in modern cryptology.
Bernhard Riemann, and his famous "Zeta-function".
Student of Gauss, Bernhard Riemann (1826-1866) (5) created his famous "Zeta-function" under the supervision of Gauss, and this function is in the key role for making the computer-based secrecy. The cryptological program just calculates the prime numbers, and after that, the system would just multiplicate the ASCII-code by using those numbers.
The reason why Riemann's (or Euler-Riemann) "Zeta function" (6) replaced the function, what Gauss created in the process, where is calculated the prime numbers is that the "Zeta function" in more suitable for electric calculators than the function, what Gauss invented. So in modern cryptology, the system is calculating the prime numbers by using Riemann's conjecture, which might be one of the most fascinating mathematical theorems in the world. If somebody will find the zero-point of the curve, what conjecture is making, the price would be 1000 000 dollars, because that is one of the so-called millennium problems(7).
Almost his entire career, Gauss spent three hours per day calculating the prime numbers, and that makes this thing interesting. In the time of Gauss and Riemann, there were no electric calculators and until the computers were invented and started to use as the tool for cryptology, those numbers had no purpose in real life. But when the electronic calculators and computers were created those numbers became extremely important.
Did somebody murder Riemann?
The thing that makes me interested in the life of Bernhard Riemann is that this man was the son of the poor family. So why his father allowed him to study mathematics? Did that thing bring some money to that family? Here I must say that there must not be any reason, why Bernhard Riemann was murdered. But tuberculosis is a good tool for the hands of the assassin because of that disease is so easy, that somebody could easily use that thing against Riemann.
If he was murdered the reason for that thing could find from the personal work or personal life of Riemann or did he just found something, what somebody else wanted to hide? His father was a poor priest, who served as a soldier in Napoleon's war and there is a possibility that he found out something, and told that thing to Bernhard Riemann, and that might cause the early death of that man. Riemann's mother Charlotte Ebell died, when he was young.
But when we are thinking about the mystery of Riemann's life, he died in 1866 at the age of 39 as tuberculosis. The life of Riemann was very unhappy, and that person died at a very young age. When we are thinking about the nice and very productive career and too early ended the life of that mathematician, who could have very much to give the world. Mathematician Bernhard Riemann, who had the same name as his father Bernhard Riemann senior was very timid and he afraid to speak in public. That means that he might be the victim of cheating. If we would find out the fates of other siblings of Riemann's family, we could find out, if there are other mysterious deaths.
The death because of tuberculosis in the quite young life, and backgrounds of the second child of six children's family of the poor Lutheran priest. His mother died before Riemann was grown to an adult, and he felt many nervous breakdowns before he was an adult, has sometimes caused discussions about the thing, which caused the death of that man.
Somewhere is introduced an idea, that Riemann died because of somebody murdered him, and the thing that his mother died in the young age is causing the thoughts, that was the death of his mother and finally, Bernhard Riemann himself created the person, who focused the interest of that person to mathematics. This feels so crazy but was somebody hiding something, and sometimes the "bad joke" is that somebody might have some kind of electric calculator, where is needed the prime numbers". But this is so crazy thing because the first electronic computer ENIAC was created in 1945(8), so this is the thing, why this thing is the only hypothesis.
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