Can we someday create qubit, what operates in the room temperature?
The promising model is the linear qubit what has four (4) positions or values:
----------------------(Line 1) (Bits 3 and 2 are data transporters)
1 ("Go bit")
---------------------(Line 2)
0 ("Stop bit")
Line 1 would transfer the data with the superposition values 3 (three) and 2(two), which would transport the data.
Line 2 would transfer two bytes: 0 (Zero) what is the stop bit, and the 1 (one) what is the "go" bit.
How the data is turning from the row to linear form?
Could nanotechnology answer that problem?
In this model, the data would be read to the tape, and then the tape would travel under the reader, which is similar to the scanning tunneling microscope. When the tape is under that reader, the styluses would read the data and send it to the qubits.
The problem is that when the data is transfer to the linear form from the row, the order of the bits must stay in the same order. The thing is that the system is like the C-cassette or tape from the tape recorder, and the system would just read that tape, and then send the data to the wires.
Way to transfer the data from the row to line
*-*-*-*-*-* (The line of styluses what reads the data)
<<<<<<<< (The tape what transports the data)
So the answer to that kind of problem can be found form the nanotechnology. Nanotechnology can create the nano-size tape that bases the metal molecules, which are connected to the DNA molecule. The data can be read by using a stylus, which is used in a scanning tunneling microscope.
In this model, the data would be stored in the nanotechnical tape, and then the tape will slide to the reading area. The styluses would be in the line, and then the tape will stop under them, and the data would transfer to the qubits.
Image: The difference between a classic bit and a qubit. The classical bit has two values or positions 0 and 1. Qubit has more positions than a traditional bit, which makes it a more effective data transporter than a classic bit.
Could nano springs replace the ultra-cold condensate?
If we are thinking that the qubit is the ball, where the Bose-Einstein condensate would transfer the data to the wires, there is a possibility to replace that thing by using nanotechnology and nano springs. In this model the nano springs are hovering in the magnetic chamber, where is the contact buttons all around the internal layer.
At the top of each nanotechnical spring is the small bite of metal, what is storing the data, and then the magnet would pull the nano spring to the contact point, where that data is transferring to the wire. The thing is that this kind of thing is quite difficult to make, but it can make a quantum computer operate in the higher temperatures.
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