The image I quantum teleportation diagram
Quantum network
The quantum network is virtually safe and unable to break. The idea is that the quantum network bases the idea of the network is benefiting the qubit ability to transport data. The main difference between the classical network and quantum network is that in the quantum network the quantum fields, what is surrounding every atom are transferring the data. In the classic network, the electron is transporting electricity and data. So the model of the quantum network is that the network is the series of atoms, which are oscillating and transporting the data.
There is an electron or some electron source in both ends of the quantum cable. That is the structure of the atoms, what are put in row. So in the quantum cables, the normal copper wires are replaced by using the rows of the carbon or some other polar atoms. Those wires are cooled in the form of Bose-Einstein condensate, which makes then oscillate a very accurate way.
Image II
The model of the quantum network
The idea of the quantum cable or quantum network is that when the force (F) hits the atoms (A). They are transferring the energy and then at the end of the line of the atoms is an electron (E), which mission is to transfer the data to the receiver. The receiver transforms the data into a normal computer, and that makes this system extremely safe.
The system operates quite a similar way with the scanning tunneling microscope and both ends of the line of the atoms are the electron or some ion that receives electrons (Cathode ion). If the single ion forms the cathode, we can talk about the nano- or quantum cathode.
But if the data is transferred to the receiver by using the minimum number of transporters the accuracy of the data would be higher. And as I wrote earlier the data is traveling by quantum fields, not electrons.
Quantum network:
DOE article about this thing:
Image II
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