Information wants to be free, but there are risks in the free data.
The problem with information is that false information is also accumulating. This thing is called "feeding the rumors". When people are sharing rumors they are making it stronger, and when they are talking, everybody wants to put something bigger in that information. And finally, the normal thing turns to the thing, which covers the entire Earth.
When Adam Smith created the idea of the information operations or simply saying effecting the human mind by using media for sending "the right type of information". That man didn't probably think what kind of tool the Internet is for delivering the information, what can be true or the information, what we just think of being trusted or true.
The thing is that on the Internet, the homepages can involve false information. If somebody would report that thing, the false data of the homepages can be removed, and the reported would be claimed as a liar.
When brains are getting data, they cannot automatically separate is the data true or false. And that means that the data is always real for human brains, without depending is it true or false. The effect of the data can be boosted by using officially looking documents and other kinds of things, like using emotional effects like crying children. The mission of those effects is to make people defenseless against the information.
The term "right information" means the data, which supports the operation. In this case, the person uses selected and polarized information for accomplishing the mission. In this case, lies introduced as truth are causing the effect, what the information operator wants.
When we are talking about "trusted information" there is a couple of meanings about that information. One is that the information is confirmed and true. And the second version of that thing is that the "trusted information" serves the benefit of the persons, who would share it.
In this case, the shared data is checked and everything that would give the negative image of the sharer of data has removed. The "trusted data" means data, what is delivered people, who are trusted by controllers of the system, and who would not share anything negative about their network. In this case, trusted means that the data is polarized, and it is used selectively.
Information itself is free from the platforms. The story is told in the bar to other people the same way information as the information that is shared in some official homepages. And the problem is that our brains don't know is the information real or not. Even we would learn how to detect lies, the bar is full of people, whoever learns that kind of thing.
And there is a possibility that some of those people would start the information epidemic. The rumors are the thing, what can have the same kind of effect, what the true and confirmed information has. The thing is that the rumors are real information for people, who are listening to them. The brains of people are not separating, what kind of data the senses are delivering to them. So every type of information is real for the brains.
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