Russian navy will get nuclear-capable hypersonic cruise missiles.
Putin says that the Russian navy will get hypersonic, nuclear-armed cruise missiles, and that means there is nothing new under the sun. Why Russians would research those weapons for years if they would not want to take them in production and place them in their warships? Hypersonic cruise missiles (HCM) will give the extremely high combat capacity for the navies, what operates them. And Russia is not only a nation, what develops that kind of weapons.
In the countries, that are developing those weapons navy seems to be the prime operator for those systems, which are the scramjet-propellant extreme fast missiles. Those missiles are flying in the atmosphere lower level than ballistic missiles and their trajectory is gentler, which makes them extremely hard for defense. And the thing is that hypersonic cruise missiles would give powerful strike capacity for every warship in the Russian navy or every other navy what operates them.
So why the navy is the prime operator for those missiles? The answer is that the scramjet-engine would have the best effect if it uses liquid hydrogen. Storing that very cold fuel is difficult, and the hydrogen hydration system is easy to install in the warships. The system can separate the hydrogen from water, and then the cooler would turn it to liquid form.
The system is really easy to install, and it can create the liquid hydrogen to the tank, where it can pump to missiles. That system would make the missiles safe and fast to use. When the battle begins the fuel tank of the missiles would be filled, and if they are not used, the hydrogen can be removed and release to the air.
The cooling system can also be used to low the temperature of the core of warship and submarines, which makes those vessels hard to detect by using infrared. And the low-temperature structures are protecting the ship against electromagnetic weapons. The impact energy of the hypersonic cruise missile will be extremely high. The speed of the ammunition of GAU-8 "Avenger" cannon is Mach 1,5. The speed of the HCM is about Mach 6-12 and the weight is much higher.
When we are thinking about the HCM is that system can have the microwave generator, what mission is to destroy the electronic systems of the target. If the nuclear weapon of that missile would be planned to detonate by the impact the detonation is sure. If the impact energy will detonate the plutonium and the only thing that can cause a problem is the rising temperature of the nose, which can detonate the warhead before the target.
In this case, the missiles would be acting as the giant uranium bullet, but the detonation is more powerful. But otherwise adjusting the nuclear warhead for those missiles is difficult. The thing is that the HCM can act also as the kinetic energy missile, which can destroy every ship on the sea by using impact energy.
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