What makes artificial intelligence so frightening?
As you might see the film above this text is the trailer of the robot movie "I, Robot". The thing is that artificial intelligence has risks, and one of them is that we are thinking the artificial intelligence controlled robots as humans. We must realize that artificial intelligence is not the toy, and the robot is not a teddy bear. When we are thinking about the robot, what is controlled by artificial intelligence turning the pilot robot to commando-operator would need only the change of the database of that robot.
The same way the nursery or butler robot would turn to ultimate assassin android just by changing the program. And the thing is that the memory of those robots can be erased after the operation. So that helps them to keep the secrecy. And the thing is that the robot would not have feelings, and they don't feel shame about things that they are made during the operations, whatever happened officially. And that makes those robots excellent tools for the military.
When we are talking about machine learning and thing, what is called artificial intelligence, we are facing things, what is not been before. The artificial intelligence is the species we ever thought to face. The robot that uses artificial intelligence is like a living creature, but the difference is that the robot would always follow it's programming, and the second thing is that artificial intelligence is more than some robot. The artificial intelligence is the technology, what links a different kind of platforms, man-looking robots, robot cars, and robot aircraft together in the platform-independent entirety.
In robot movies, everything seems simple, the robot attacks, and people are just terminating them. While we are talking about the difference between real life and movies we are forgetting that in real life every each of the robots, what are controlled by the same artificial intelligence are members of the same entirety. The idea is similar to the network segments. Each of the robots can share the data, what they are collecting with all members of the entirety. And this thing makes artificial intelligence an effective tool for military systems.
The system forms the entirety, where there are multiple different types of actors. The drone swarms can search the targets along with the robots, which might look like humans. And this makes those entireties very dangerous in the wrong hands. When we are using the movie "I, Robot "as an example the artificial intelligence can use two types of networks together. The walking robots can create the network, where they are connecting their computers to one single entirety.
But the system can also communicate with the computer centers by using ethernet. So if we would increase the idea of this kind of system, those artificial intelligent robots can also cooperate with drone swarms of the small-size quadcopters, what is offering the data handling capacity to the robots, what is operating on the ground level. The thing is that the entirety of those robots can be acting like one extremely large organism.
And this kind of thing is really hard to avoid. If that kind of technology goes in the wrong hands, the thing would turn very dangerous. The problem is that this kind of technology is effective for many purposes, which are connected to national security. The thing is that artificial intelligence is the most effective tool in the world in many missions, where human life is risked. And the saddest thing is that this ultimate tool is also used to kill people. But the thing is that war is not sports, and the advantage and development of those weapons continue.
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