"Visualization of the bridge recombinase mechanism highlighting the donor and target binding loops. Credit: Visual Science" (ScitechDaily, A “Word Processor” for Genes – Scientists Unveil Fundamentally New Mechanism for Biological Programming)
Maybe, quite soon we can use the DNA as a data store.
“The bridge RNA system is a fundamentally new mechanism for biological programming,” said Dr. Patrick Hsu, senior author of the study and an Arc Institute Core Investigator and University of California, Berkeley Assistant Professor of Bioengineering. “Bridge recombination can universally modify genetic material through sequence-specific insertion, excision, inversion, and more, enabling a word processor for the living genome beyond CRISPR.”
"The bridge recombination system hails from insertion sequence 110 (IS110) elements, one of countless types of transposable elements – or “jumping genes” – that cut and paste themselves to move within and between microbial genomes. Transposable elements are found across all life forms and have evolved into professional DNA manipulation machines to survive. The IS110 elements are very minimal, consisting only of a gene encoding the recombinase enzyme, plus flanking DNA segments that have, until now, remained a mystery."(ScitechDaily, A “Word Processor” for Genes – Scientists Unveil Fundamentally New Mechanism for Biological Programming)
"Arc Institute scientists have discovered the bridge recombinase mechanism, a revolutionary tool that enables fully programmable DNA rearrangements. (ScitechDaily, A “Word Processor” for Genes – Scientists Unveil Fundamentally New Mechanism for Biological Programming)
"A team of researchers from the Arc Institute have discovered the bridge recombinase mechanism, a precise and powerful tool to recombine and rearrange DNA in a programmable way. Going far beyond programmable genetic scissors like CRISPR, the bridge recombinase mechanism enables scientists to specify not only the target DNA to be modified, but also the donor material to be recognized, so they can insert new, functional genetic material, cut out faulty DNA, or invert any two sequences of interest. Discover more in this short video visualizing the key aspects of the bridge recombination mechanism. Credit: Visual Science" (ScitechDaily, A “Word Processor” for Genes – Scientists Unveil Fundamentally New Mechanism for Biological Programming)
"Their finding, detailed in a recent Nature publication, is the first DNA recombinase that uses a non-coding RNA for sequence-specific selection of target and donor DNA molecules. This bridge RNA is programmable, allowing the user to specify any desired genomic target sequence and any donor DNA molecule to be inserted."(ScitechDaily, A “Word Processor” for Genes – Scientists Unveil Fundamentally New Mechanism for Biological Programming)
Researchers created the nanoparticle, called quasicrystal using the DNA. That makes it possible to create structures using the DNA as the code. DNA-based material development is sometimes dangerous. There is the possibility that the DNA that controls the quasicrystal's growth slips into the human or some anima's cells. And that thing makes this kind of thing dangerous. The reason for that is that DNA controls every single process in every single cell.
Researchers can create new organisms and give new abilities to old ones using DNA programming. The artificial DNA molecules can control the cell's electric processes. And that means those artificial electric cells can transfer information stored in the DNA to the computers. That transfer happens using electric signals that those DNA molecules control.
Magnetic control of swimming direction of non-magnetic bacteria. a) Schematic illustration of the experimental setup. b) Snapshots of representative trajectories under four different magnetic field strengths. c) Swimming direction distributions. d) Nematic order parameter as a function of magnetic field strength for three different ferrofluid concentrations. e) Bacterial body orientation distributions. f) Inverse of body orientation fluctuations as a function of magnetic field strength. Credit: Communications Physics (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s42005-024-01707-5 (Phys.org, Getting bacteria into line: Physicists use magnetic fields to manipulate bacterial behavior)
The magnetic fields can control the movements of bacteria.
The new way to combine AI and living bacteria can make a revolution in material research and medical research. Researchers put the bacteria swim in lines using magnetic fields. This thing allows the system to drive bacteria anywhere it wants. The small powerful nanomagnets can be used to control individual bacteria.
But then we can think about possibly using genetically engineered bacteria that create enzymes as medicine. Genetically engineered bacteria can create medicines or researchers can use those bacteria to transport wanted genomes or DNA bites to the targeted cells.
The genetically engineered macrophage can transport DNA to the non-wanted cells. And that allows researchers to create of systems that simply order targeted cells to die. In that case, genetically engineered microbes can transport the DNA bite that orders cells to die into targeted cells.
"A mathematical tool called a fast Fourier transform maps the structure in a way that reveals the 12-fold symmetry of the quasicrystal. The fast Fourier transform of the electron microscope image of the quasicrystal is shown on the left, while the transform of the simulated crystal is shown on the right. Credit: Mirkin Research Group, Northwestern University, and Glotzer Group, University of Michigan" (ScitechDaily, Revolution in Material Science: Scientists Construct Nanoparticle Quasicrystal With DNA)
When we think about the possibility that the nanomachines build wanted DNA bites technology can someday increase human lifespan. The ability to connect DNA bites together can form hydride species. But the same technology makes it possible to create bacteria that can transform into another cell. So DNA transfer can make it possible to create bacteria that can transform into any tissue cell or neuron.
That thing allows the bacteria that the magnetic system drives into a wanted position, and then the DNA transforms them to cells, that can fix damages in the body. The system can create bacteria, that turn into stem cells at the right moment. When we think about the possibility of creating cyborg cells that microchips control, we can think of the possibility of creating an artificial macrophage or B-cell that can remove DNA from the cell.
And then replace that removed DNA using new DNA. That allows the system to renew wanted cells. When we think about the possibility of changing DNA in a large cell group, we can think of the possibility. That the genetically engineered bacteria can someday change old DNA from aging cells. Replacing that old DNA using new and fresh DNA.
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