The tachyon theory (Last text continues)
Tachyons are the particles, what are forming or born at the speed, what is above the speed of the light, which makes it one of the most fascinating theoretical particles, whatever created. So that makes the existence of that kind of particle possible because the tachyon ever crosses the speed of the light.
And in some theories, the tachyons are forming entire universes, where the particles are traveling extremely high speed. In this theory, the particles are in the dimension or energy level, which makes them impossible to react with other materials. And that means that tachyons are living in their level of existence, what we can call as "hyperspace" or highly energetic space.
But the existing of tachyon would mean that tachyon is always traveling by the speed of the light, and that is a key element in one version of the tachyon theories. There is one thing, that people don't usually know about the tachyons. In theory, every single particle in the universe has a pair in the world of tachyons. The reason, why tachyon pushes normal particles back from the speed of the light is that tachyon has greater energy because it exists in its own "hyperspace" or highly energetic space.
And when the speed of the particle is growing it would start to pull the tachyon to it, as you might see the image or animation above this text. So when tachyons are impacting with their mirror particles, that would deny the crossing the speed of the light. So this is the thing, what is something fundamental in this kind of particles. The tachyon is the particle, that doesn't transform from some other particle.
When we are thinking about the tachyon and how that thing is forming with the normal particle, we can imagine that the speed of light is the blade in the spacetime. And when some supermassive particle hits to our spacetime with that speed, it would cut to tachyon and some standard particle, or particle what exists in our spacetime.
So there have been created tests where the energy of the particles like electrons have tried to increase by stressing them by using the sideways shot laser radiation or electromagnetic field. The idea is to form the quantum wall-breaker, which would push the tachyon to its world and the electron or proton would follow tachyon. The thing is that the tachyon, what has a normally higher level of energy would force the electron or proton back to our universe, but if the energy of the particles would be increased that could force tachyon move "backward". But at first, there must get an observation about tachyon.
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