Witch doctors and mystic diseases are things, that are sometimes connected. Shamans are claimed to talk with the spirits. And at this point, we should describe the word "spirit". That thing might be the coded message, what shaman can get. So the reality is that those people were just loo for the markings, what were put to the forest. And in those markings were messages, who would get the poison, and why that punishment will be ordered.
The thing, that shamans used to control their society was fear. If people didn't tell things to that witch doctor they will get punishment, and the reason was that the witch could see those things personally.
So how some kind of witch doctor would cause the disease? One of the answers is the witch doctor just gives the victim some kind of poison, which might destroy some bacteria in the stomach, and then it would just cause the loss of some important vitamins. Or they simply give the overdose of vitamin A.
Another version is that the witch just makes the small burn by using the stylus, what almost melted, and that about a millimeter-sized very deep can cause death in the jungle or even in the normal city area because bacteria can enter to the blood and tissue. That kind of thing is horrible but offers the scientific explanation for the power of shamans, and of course, shamans can train people afraid of them.
The thing that shaman can do is just anesthetizing the area, what wanted to burn. And the use of very hot steam would make this kind of thing innocent looking. But the thing is that very hot steam can cause extremely bad tissue damages, especially if the person doesn't notice the dangerous heat. The key element in this kind of operation is that people cannot connect the pain to shamans.
In this case, the normal punish and award methods are suitable for train people to follow the rules, what shaman gives. The thing is that if the person refuses, the result would be that some painful things like poison vegetables or mushrooms would give to the person. And if the victim follows the rule, the drugs like cocaine would give them.
This kind of method is extremely powerful if the person wants to make slaves who obey him to the last breath. And the thing that will make those things more effective is that if the victim doesn't know that kind of thing can be done to them. Here we must remember that the things, that the shamans are doing are normally using are simple and effective.
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