How to hack the nervous system?
When somebody wants to hack the nervous system, the technical system must only see, what kind of brain waves are forming, when the person sees certain images. If there is something, that is connecting to the traumatic experiences, the changes of the EEG and activation of brain areas are telling, that there is a connection between things like traumatic experience and something like a traffic accident or some attack in the early ages.
If we are thinking that the person has been pushed to the anthill or beehive, that thing has been stored in the subconscious of the person, and when the person sees images of those things, that causes activation in certain brain areas, what is handling the memories and fear. The point is that the memories of the different sensors like eyes, ears, and feel are storing in different areas.
So if the person is bitten by bees and the situation is also otherwise traumatic, the signals what are storing in the brains are stronger than if the person is just trying to lie. The lying activates different brain areas than the real experience, and that means that this kind of thing is easy to uncover, and the other thing is that when brains are imagining they need more blood than when they are handling real experiences.
Brainwashing and faked memories
But modern technology can be used to create fake memories or "electromagnetic daydreams". And the methodology, what the researchers can do is just activate memory blocks, while a person is sleeping. This thing makes it possible to store dreams in memory. One version of this technology is that the EEG-signal from the centers, what is controlling the sleep would be recorded, and then those signals are just driven back to the brains, while the person is awake.
When we are talking about the manipulation of memories or brainwashing and mind control, we must realize that the radio signals, what is causing the electromagnetic resonance in the nervous system can create fake memories or even take the person under the control. The thing is that the area, where the signals are driven to the nervous system is so huge, that those signals are sinking everything under them. And the electromagnetic signals are passing the protective layer of the targeted person's brains.
So what if the artificial intelligence-based robot would start to brainwash the targeted persons? That system needs holograms and space, where the extremely sensitive sensors are observing the mind of the targeted people. Then the system would show images to find out, what pleases the victim. The system needs the holograms to calibrate the system to detect anger, pleasure, and fear.
When the system has been found those signals it can start to give orders, and if the reaction is right and the victim will follow orders, the system would activate the brain areas, which are controlling the pleasure. If the victim resists the system can send the ultrasound to the area, and that thing causes pain, and pain is the punishment. And if the person would hesitate, the system would activate the brain areas, which are controlling fear. And this kind of system is more dangerous than we ever expect.
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