Bose-Einstein condensate
Bose-Einstein condensate(1) is the situation, where the remarkable part of the electrons of the electron layers is transferring to the resting layer of the lowest possible energy layer, and this thing happens in the boson (2) gas, near the absolute zero points of Kelvin (-273,15 degrees Celcius). The Fermionic condensate (3) is the same thing but in this case, the atoms are also acting in a solid way, which makes superconducting possible. At this point, there is one remarkable thing, in Bose-Einstein condensate, that thing can be forming only if the particle is a boson. That means every atom cannot form that thing.
Normally people think that boson is some subatomic particles like photons or gluons, but some atoms also have bosonic form, and that means that the Helium 4 and the nucleus of Carbon 12 atoms have this form. Annex 2 is the article of boson, and you might look at the things about that particle. German scientists have created the Bose-Einstein concentrate with calcium atoms (4).
That might mean that also the calcium atoms have bosonic form, and could some atom turn to bosons in extremely low temperatures? So the thing is that by using Bose-Einstein concentration there is possible to make a new type of mass memories.
So when the energy level of the atoms turn very low, what is made with decreasing temperature to extremely low, that means that the electrons are moving to the low energic cores, and in theory that could mean that the K and L electron cores, what are the highest energetic cores of the electrons of the atoms can be lost their electrons to the outer cores. So that is the mirror situation to the cases, where the atoms are pumped energy with the lasers or some other electromagnetic devices. The electromagnetic radiation will push the electrons or electron cores near the nucleus.
And in that case, in those electron cores happens one very interesting thing. The L and K cores are moving closer to the nucleus. So the Bose-Einstein concentration is the opposite version of this effect. The thing is that when the energy what effects the atom will turn very low would make the effect, where the electron cores are moving outwards from the nucleus. That means that the size of the atom is increasing, and the question is, what happens if the places of the electron cores are chancing.
So why this thing can happen at extremely low temperatures? The answer is that atoms are in extremely stable conditions near the zero kelvin degrees, where the electromagnetic oscillation is minimum. If the temperature would be higher, the electromagnetic radiation and the oscillation, what it causes will throw electrons away, if they will go too far from the nucleus.
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