The "ghost particles" and the speed of the light
The highest speed, what particle can reach in the universe is the speed of the light. There is a couple of times when the measurements have shown that the electron or atom nucleus has been crossed the speed of light in the very high energetic tests, which are made in the most powerful particle accelerators. But then the inspections have shown that the speed of the light is not crossed.
And the reason was that the atomic particle, what speed was very close to the speed of light or cosmic speed limit traveled shorter journeys than the photon. That's why those atomic particles have been first at the sensor, which means that the speed of the light has not been crossed. But then the question is, why this kind of thing is noticed just after the test, not during the test.
The thing that makes this kind of test extremely hard to make is that the photon and the ionic particles cannot shoot at the same time. The most powerful particle accelerators are cyclotrons and the problem is that the photon doesn't react in electromagnetic fields, and that means that the researchers cannot use the most powerful tools, what they have. So they must use less powerful linear accelerators for sending ion and photon to the journey at the same time.
Because the system and time of the test are shorter the calibration of that kind of system is really difficult. The particles are traveling very close to the speed of the light, and the problem is that if the test team uses cyclotrons, they must calculate the speed of the particles because they cannot use real photons in that process. So a couple of centimeter difference between the calculated and real lines of the particles can disturb the results and give the wrong results.
Are the ghost particles and hypothetical tachyons(1) the same thing?
Another explanation for those wrong results was that the particle that travels near the speed of the light would like to pull the other particle from somewhere. So the idea is that when the particle would reach the speed of the light, it would act like some kind of giant magnet or Black Hole, what pulls something to our universe, and is that thing that is pulled to the particle accelerator the mythic tachyon?
Tachyon is the particle, what would travel in the universe with the speed, what is above the speed of the light. That is possible because of tachyon born at the speed, which is above the speed of the light. And that means that this particle ever comes to our universe and they would be existing in the universe or dimension where the material would travel with the speed, what was higher than the speed of the light. That means the speed of the light is the wall, which separates the tachyon universe from our universe. Tachyon cannot decrease its speed under the speed of light, and the particle cannot increase its speed above the speed of the light, because they are impacting tachyons.
But if the particle would travel near the speed of the light that thing causes that the tachyon would impact that particle, which slows the speed, what mean tachyon would give resistance, what denies crossing the speed of the light. The theory goes that the greater mass of the object causes that the particle would pull the tachyon from another universe at a lower speed, and that thing would explain, why the particle cannot reach or cross the speed of the light.
The reason would be tachyons, what is pulling the energy away from the accelerating particles is the reason, why the particle cannot reach the speed of the light. The energy what makes this thing possible is just slipping away, and that thing makes crossing the speed of the light impossible,
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