The writing about the Battle of Little Big Horn
One of the interesting details in the case of the Battle of Little Big Horn is that the graves of men of Custer are not in lines. Those graves are in a disorder, and that thig is a very interesting detail. The graves of the men of 7th cavalry are separated from the national cemetery of Little Big Horn, and the grave of Custer is marked as black. Death of George Armstrong Custer caused two gunshots, one was pointed above his heart, and the second one hit his temple.
That might be suicide, or maybe the first shot was caused shock, that Custer accidentally launched his gun to his head. Or there is a possibility that some Indian made that thing, and the motive might be that this particular person could be Indian scout, who was working as an informer in the society of Indians. Maybe he or she afraid that the real identity of that individual was uncovered, if that person opened mouth and spoke English. That would cause that this man shot Custer.
Because that man could uncover this spy under extortion, but there is a possibility, that Custer knew that man. Or maybe Custer was in shock because of the disaster and gave his life for avoiding the extortion. And in that time were stories about the Indians, who extorted people and took their hair and head skin. Scalping was a habit, what was started by Europeans, and then it transferred to Indians.
The question is, why those graves are not in order? Even if those men were buried in the place, where they were found, why their bodies were not moved in lines? Of course, shiny and warm summer caused the smell, but why the places of the graves or drave stones were not placed later? Seems that somebody wanted to forget the Battle of Little Big Horn. This writing is about the things, what caused that George Armstrong Custer took his men to trap and death.
There are many writings about the battle of Little Big Horn itself, but the reasons, why Custer went to battle, has not very much stories. The major thing was that Indians wait for 7th Cavalry on that day, but who informed them about this thing? Did Indians read New York Tribune? Or was Custer himself informed opposite side accidentally or in purpose, that he could cause battle, where that man could show his skills for his political career.
This is one question about the disaster of Little Big Horn and the death of Lieutenant Colonel George Armstrong Custer (1839-1876) on July 15, 1876. In that battle, the 5 of the12 companies of the U.S 7th Cavalry regiment were annihilated. 258 cavalrymen were dead in battle and 55 were wounded. Five of them were dead later. There were many things in this Battle, what has been brought the many questions in the mind of researchers.
The new methods of research have given archeologists a chance to reconstruct the things, what have been happened in the field. And because every gun makes a unique mark in bullet and shells, that allows following the movements of individual men on the field. But those things don't uncover the reason, why this battle was done. There are many things, what are left without explanation.
One of them is, why Custer left in the Indian area with so few men? He was in chief of about 400-700 men. The strength of 7th Calvalry depends on the sources, and the strength of Indians was about 5000, but most of them were women, children and old people. Indian warriors had also new magazine rifles, what were similar, what Cavalry used. Strenght of armed men was about 1400 men, and the reason why the strength of the Indian army was reported as 5000 was probably that the loss was so embarrassing. Losses of Indians were 58 and 10 civilians.
Even they would not have those rifles, the superiority in manpower was very big, and Custer should predict, that Indians probably didn't choose the frontal assault tactics, even they had no rifles. And rifle is quite difficult to use from horseback. The thing, what makes this battle very interesting were the names of those Indian chiefs, Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse, and Gall, and sometimes has claimed that those names were so-called cover-up names.
But as you see, the thing what makes this battle interesting was that Sitting Bull and Gall flee to Canada, and after that, they returned to the USA. One remarkable thing in the Battle of Little Big Horn was that the family of Crazy Horse died in that battle, and this thing is quite interesting.
So did they were standing in the next of that man? Before that battle, Custer met two officers on board of the river ship, and explained the tactics, what he planned to use. And there were reporters also on board, and there is a question, did some of those men be Indians?
Or did some reporters told the plans to Indians by accident? There is a thought that maybe Custer himself gave that information for causing battle and making himself as a national hero. If the man who gave information about the plans was Custer himself, and he planned to flee from the battlefield, and left his men behind him. That kind of thing might make him the national hero. And then everything went wrong, and he died in that place.
When we are looking at those things, we must realize that some white men might be told those planes to Indians for causing the loss for military, and giving a reason for massive military actions in that area, where has founded the iron ore. Or was the reason probably personal revenge for Custer? Who knows what reason, but the fact is that Custer was the perfect buck. That man had two military ranks, the general what was the rank of volunteers, and his military rank in an army was a Lieutenant Colonel.
The thing is that maybe somebody cheats Custer in the photograph and use the volunteer rank. So, was this person the same, who caused the loss of Little Big Horn? And when that man died, he was a perfect hero. The officers of 7th cavalry might have problems with command relationships, and major Marcus Reno had also heavy drinking problems. So was Custer take regiment in command without permission? Or was it the backup plan? If Indians would not kill that man, the court-martial would do that. And who sold those rifles to Indians? The thing is that those fighters must also know some tactics because they have so small losses.
One of the biggest questions is, why the question is why the reconnaissance information about the strength of the Indians was so underestimated. And why Custer attempted to surprise them with so little troops? That is the thing in the battle. The first patrol, who met Indians were 30 men strong, and that very outnumbered and alarmed the entire camp. So that thing was remarkable detail in this strange story.
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One of the interesting details in the case of the Battle of Little Big Horn is that the graves of men of Custer are not in lines. Those graves are in a disorder, and that thig is a very interesting detail. The graves of the men of 7th cavalry are separated from the national cemetery of Little Big Horn, and the grave of Custer is marked as black. Death of George Armstrong Custer caused two gunshots, one was pointed above his heart, and the second one hit his temple.
That might be suicide, or maybe the first shot was caused shock, that Custer accidentally launched his gun to his head. Or there is a possibility that some Indian made that thing, and the motive might be that this particular person could be Indian scout, who was working as an informer in the society of Indians. Maybe he or she afraid that the real identity of that individual was uncovered, if that person opened mouth and spoke English. That would cause that this man shot Custer.
Because that man could uncover this spy under extortion, but there is a possibility, that Custer knew that man. Or maybe Custer was in shock because of the disaster and gave his life for avoiding the extortion. And in that time were stories about the Indians, who extorted people and took their hair and head skin. Scalping was a habit, what was started by Europeans, and then it transferred to Indians.
The question is, why those graves are not in order? Even if those men were buried in the place, where they were found, why their bodies were not moved in lines? Of course, shiny and warm summer caused the smell, but why the places of the graves or drave stones were not placed later? Seems that somebody wanted to forget the Battle of Little Big Horn. This writing is about the things, what caused that George Armstrong Custer took his men to trap and death.
There are many writings about the battle of Little Big Horn itself, but the reasons, why Custer went to battle, has not very much stories. The major thing was that Indians wait for 7th Cavalry on that day, but who informed them about this thing? Did Indians read New York Tribune? Or was Custer himself informed opposite side accidentally or in purpose, that he could cause battle, where that man could show his skills for his political career.
This is one question about the disaster of Little Big Horn and the death of Lieutenant Colonel George Armstrong Custer (1839-1876) on July 15, 1876. In that battle, the 5 of the12 companies of the U.S 7th Cavalry regiment were annihilated. 258 cavalrymen were dead in battle and 55 were wounded. Five of them were dead later. There were many things in this Battle, what has been brought the many questions in the mind of researchers.
The new methods of research have given archeologists a chance to reconstruct the things, what have been happened in the field. And because every gun makes a unique mark in bullet and shells, that allows following the movements of individual men on the field. But those things don't uncover the reason, why this battle was done. There are many things, what are left without explanation.
One of them is, why Custer left in the Indian area with so few men? He was in chief of about 400-700 men. The strength of 7th Calvalry depends on the sources, and the strength of Indians was about 5000, but most of them were women, children and old people. Indian warriors had also new magazine rifles, what were similar, what Cavalry used. Strenght of armed men was about 1400 men, and the reason why the strength of the Indian army was reported as 5000 was probably that the loss was so embarrassing. Losses of Indians were 58 and 10 civilians.
Even they would not have those rifles, the superiority in manpower was very big, and Custer should predict, that Indians probably didn't choose the frontal assault tactics, even they had no rifles. And rifle is quite difficult to use from horseback. The thing, what makes this battle very interesting were the names of those Indian chiefs, Sitting Bull, Crazy Horse, and Gall, and sometimes has claimed that those names were so-called cover-up names.
But as you see, the thing what makes this battle interesting was that Sitting Bull and Gall flee to Canada, and after that, they returned to the USA. One remarkable thing in the Battle of Little Big Horn was that the family of Crazy Horse died in that battle, and this thing is quite interesting.
So did they were standing in the next of that man? Before that battle, Custer met two officers on board of the river ship, and explained the tactics, what he planned to use. And there were reporters also on board, and there is a question, did some of those men be Indians?
Or did some reporters told the plans to Indians by accident? There is a thought that maybe Custer himself gave that information for causing battle and making himself as a national hero. If the man who gave information about the plans was Custer himself, and he planned to flee from the battlefield, and left his men behind him. That kind of thing might make him the national hero. And then everything went wrong, and he died in that place.
When we are looking at those things, we must realize that some white men might be told those planes to Indians for causing the loss for military, and giving a reason for massive military actions in that area, where has founded the iron ore. Or was the reason probably personal revenge for Custer? Who knows what reason, but the fact is that Custer was the perfect buck. That man had two military ranks, the general what was the rank of volunteers, and his military rank in an army was a Lieutenant Colonel.
The thing is that maybe somebody cheats Custer in the photograph and use the volunteer rank. So, was this person the same, who caused the loss of Little Big Horn? And when that man died, he was a perfect hero. The officers of 7th cavalry might have problems with command relationships, and major Marcus Reno had also heavy drinking problems. So was Custer take regiment in command without permission? Or was it the backup plan? If Indians would not kill that man, the court-martial would do that. And who sold those rifles to Indians? The thing is that those fighters must also know some tactics because they have so small losses.
One of the biggest questions is, why the question is why the reconnaissance information about the strength of the Indians was so underestimated. And why Custer attempted to surprise them with so little troops? That is the thing in the battle. The first patrol, who met Indians were 30 men strong, and that very outnumbered and alarmed the entire camp. So that thing was remarkable detail in this strange story.
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