The data security and digital environment
So the offensive cybersecurity is the use of faked Facebook accounts to find out people, who are a risk for security. Some of these methods are illegal, but also the foreign operators like security companies and intelligence services use those methods. The normal procedure is that the operator uses the image of a suspicious person, and asks things, what they should not ask. And also they can offer drugs and money on social media.
Why we must protect our children? Or why everybody must take part in data security? Even the person self doesn't handle classified information, that doesn't mean that this person cannot use as the "gate" to that information. One version is the cleaner, who would allow wrong persons to enter the restricted area, and they can put the surveillance cameras to the rooms, and follow things, what is happening on the screens.
And if people are cheating some worker, that would allow that some sex-agent would come to take the part of the bad feeling of that person. That's why social life is a very important thing to keep in control. A person who has alcohol or drug problems is a good target for criminals when they want to get access to information. That person, who is chosen as the "gate" can also introduce other people to those criminals, who might want to steal the data. There might be no marks when the data is stolen, and that thing should handle by keeping records, when the files are opened and who has opened those files.
Data- or security is the key element of the success of data-oriented business architecture. And digital trust is the thing, what we need when we want to protect our data. Digital trust means the way, how we can protect and secure the databases and digital environment, where we are working. That means something, what we cannot change and what is not something, what other people notice or wants to steal. Digital trust is the thing, what keeps our digital business rolling, and then we must realize that the things with digital trust are the same as physical trust.
First signs what tells that something is going wrong are the wrong questions. Questions like what is your salary are not things, what some ICT-professional should ask in the working place. And also things like attempt to filming screens or taking registration numbers of the cars are not things, what trusted person should do. But if we cannot trust our business partners, we cannot handle our job. Digital trust is something, what we must earn. Bad signs are things that somebody wants the information, what doesn't belong to them.
But how to earn this trust. The thing is that the person, who would do that kind of things like data security should introduce the work, what would want and need to do. That means those persons are keeping their work open, that other people can see their professionalism. And the thing in is that data security should base the open technology. In those cases, the vital components of the system like passwords and other keys should keep secret.
The idea in open architecture solutions is that only the vital parts like keys are secret. We should think the data security as the digital lock. Every person in the world knows, how locks are working. And the only thing, what is kept secret are the depths of the levels of the key. If we would keep only the things classified, what allows to enter the system that would make the things easier. And if we would buy some data security service, that means that everybody sees telephone numbers, where the support can ask.
That kind of systems uses only strong identifiers. The mobile telephones, which are used to enter the system and classified data can be secured with biometric recognitors. When the person who has access to the classified information would want to see that data, there might be QR code on the screen, and the person scans the code with the cellphone.
There is a possibility that everybody can open the files, but the use of the wrong telephone or by unauthorized users would bring in the front of eyes nice-looking documents, what is full of useless or faked data, what would make the merchandise a piece of garbage. The problem in this kind of things like biometric detectors is if somebody can out own fingerprint in the database, that allows the access data.
Many of this kind of problems are easy to solve. The company must know the number of workers, and there must be two registers, where those names are. If there is an extra worker or too many names in the database, that information must come to screen right away. This system might compile the access list and list of persons, who get a salary, and if the unauthorized name has been put in the database, that would be told immediately. And the persons, who have access to classified data might have a certain salary, which helps the directors control the lists of authorized persons.
And, of course, the fingerprints must be stored to another database, and if there is no match in the list of authorized persons or their salaries don't match with salaries of the secured persons, that would cause an alert. So the risk that somebody will put extra names to the list can be solved by keeping records of the fingerprint, and if the number of them is changed, the information of that would come to the screens of the responsible officers.
The most important thing in cybersecurity is to understand, what is the value of the data, what is secured. What kind of treats that data can face. And the biggest threat of the modern world is that the stored data would manipulate. If somebody will manipulate the images, what the recon satellites are taken, that would cause the war. And the thing is that this kind of cyber attack can be done by the small state or even the guerilla movement. The idea is that the other nations would come to fight for that small operator. This makes modern cyber warfare dangerous.
Cybersecurity is the thing, what is in a key role in the business. If some company databases would be filled with band images, what hackers are put in those places, that would remove the trust of that company right away. Cyberattacks can be done just because somebody wants to destroy the reputation of the company, and the best way to do that is the hacker just fills the database with the material, what doesn't belong to the business.
The thing in modern society is that we must just need to work in the environment, where the social media exist. We cannot deny people use that media in free time. So in the time of social media only one thing, how we can handle the problems of cybersecurity is the enlightenment, and educating people to follow media by using criticism. That kind of things must be involved with every citizen's base skills like the swimming and locking the door.
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