The thoughts about quantum physics and its connection with ghosts
When people are talking about ghosts, first we might think that this person just sees some kind of flashback, or that person has a very good imagination. And in some cases, if the person has been in some room in the childhood, what is similar to the room, where that person is just now, that thing might cause because of flashback. In those cases, the flashback is happening, when the neurons in the brains find the connection of axons, what is opening the gate to the forbidden memories.
But there is another possibility, and that thing does explain the thing, that the ghost might even get photographed. The first and so-called natural reason for ghost photograph is the thing that the hidden twin brother or sister is coming in the funerals. Or that photograph is portraying the cousin, who seems like the dead. And in the wildest thoughts, the death of the person is just set up, and the reason is something like a witness protection program.
But let's go to the thought that maybe the reason for ghosts could be found from quantum mechanics and the nano-size black holes and the wormholes through the time. The thing is that the ghosts are many times connected to a certain place, and in this theory, the person who always is in the same place would leave the stronger image in the wormhole, what works like camera obscure.
That extreme small black hole would exist only a couple of nanoseconds. The size of those quantum-size black holes is so small, that only light can travel through them, and that means that it can transfer light like light cable, but the wormhole would transfer light also in the time. The time travel through the wormholes would happen between the black holes, what is oscillating in the same frequency, and if the person is always in the same position, the wormholes would make the image of that person to the fog.
That thing is similar when the dia projector would make images to the particles in the air. And this would explain the ghosts. When we are thinking that the quantum black holes are everywhere and they are an electromagnetic phenomenon, the person who is worrying something would need more energy than the normal person.
And when the mitochondria of the nervous system are rising the voltage in the neurons, that would cause that the quantum size black holes are transferring the image of that person to another black hole, what oscillates in the same frequency. That would be a good explanation to the ghosts, in the point of view of quantum physics.
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