Networks and security of data storage
Networks are providing many benefits to handle data comparing to traditional methods like USB-sticks. The biggest benefit is that when data is stored in the cloud, that means it is independent of the platform, where it is handled. So in this kind of cases, we must remember, how many USB-sticks we have stolen, and how many times the computer, where the data is stored has damaged?
This is the reason, why the cloud is a really good place for processing data, and that is the thing why companies are investing in those technologies. The computers and other devices, which are used to handle data can be equipped with biometric keys, which gives access to precise data, what is stored in hard disks. When we are making those biometric identifiers we should make them easy to use, like the image, what is taken from the finger. Or rather the things, what are used automatically.
That means that the user of the system might not even know about the biometric identifier. If we think the keys, what are used to log in the computers, they might be things like mobile telephones. If we will make mobile telephone safe key, we might make a system, what has two modes. If the person just opens the mobile telephone, that thing would act like a normal cell phone. But when a person wants to use it as an electronic key, that might need to boot it, and during the startup, the person might need to give the biometric identifier. That would activate the role as the key.
And in a perfect system, the renew of this action should be done often enough, that the system would be safe. That means the cell phone can use by everybody, but only one person might use it as key to the system. And of course, if a person is under threat the snapping secret SOS over the biometric identifier might tell that person is in trouble. If the wrong person uses a telephone, the information of that would send to security personnel, and they might locate the phone very easily.
The thing is that biometric systems are easy to use, and they can collect many types of data. One thing is that the precise information about the areas, what biometric system uses for recognize person might not be mentioned. So the thing is that the mobile telephones, which are used to send the log-in request might have hidden biometric key, what detects if the wrong person tries to use the system. In some cases, the web-camera, what is used for face recognition might use the image of eyes for recognizing the user, and that thing might not be told to the users.
Or the mobile telephone, what is used to recognize the users, is connected to face or retina recognizer, what might be the normal web camera, and that system detects are the person, who attempts to log in the system, and user of the mobile telephone the same. In this case, there are two keys, which are comparing together. So in those cases, the maker of data security protocols has noticed, that some person can lose the mobile telephones.
In the real-life, there is another thing, what the maker of the log-in protocol must realize, is that there is a possibility, that somebody might be forced to let people access to the system. This means that in those cases there must be something to give for those people. The thing is that the system might have a backup protocol for the cases, where somebody is asked log-in for computers, which are used by some other people, and that thing might cause grey hair for the spies.
The thing is that if a person uses only passwords or tries to log in otherwise wring way, that system can lead the person to wring network segment. That network segment might contain information, what is equipped with a tracking cookie. And the mission of this system is to uncover the hackers, who might attempt to steal data.
This is the reason, why the cloud is a really good place for processing data, and that is the thing why companies are investing in those technologies. The computers and other devices, which are used to handle data can be equipped with biometric keys, which gives access to precise data, what is stored in hard disks. When we are making those biometric identifiers we should make them easy to use, like the image, what is taken from the finger. Or rather the things, what are used automatically.
That means that the user of the system might not even know about the biometric identifier. If we think the keys, what are used to log in the computers, they might be things like mobile telephones. If we will make mobile telephone safe key, we might make a system, what has two modes. If the person just opens the mobile telephone, that thing would act like a normal cell phone. But when a person wants to use it as an electronic key, that might need to boot it, and during the startup, the person might need to give the biometric identifier. That would activate the role as the key.
And in a perfect system, the renew of this action should be done often enough, that the system would be safe. That means the cell phone can use by everybody, but only one person might use it as key to the system. And of course, if a person is under threat the snapping secret SOS over the biometric identifier might tell that person is in trouble. If the wrong person uses a telephone, the information of that would send to security personnel, and they might locate the phone very easily.
The thing is that biometric systems are easy to use, and they can collect many types of data. One thing is that the precise information about the areas, what biometric system uses for recognize person might not be mentioned. So the thing is that the mobile telephones, which are used to send the log-in request might have hidden biometric key, what detects if the wrong person tries to use the system. In some cases, the web-camera, what is used for face recognition might use the image of eyes for recognizing the user, and that thing might not be told to the users.
Or the mobile telephone, what is used to recognize the users, is connected to face or retina recognizer, what might be the normal web camera, and that system detects are the person, who attempts to log in the system, and user of the mobile telephone the same. In this case, there are two keys, which are comparing together. So in those cases, the maker of data security protocols has noticed, that some person can lose the mobile telephones.
In the real-life, there is another thing, what the maker of the log-in protocol must realize, is that there is a possibility, that somebody might be forced to let people access to the system. This means that in those cases there must be something to give for those people. The thing is that the system might have a backup protocol for the cases, where somebody is asked log-in for computers, which are used by some other people, and that thing might cause grey hair for the spies.
The thing is that if a person uses only passwords or tries to log in otherwise wring way, that system can lead the person to wring network segment. That network segment might contain information, what is equipped with a tracking cookie. And the mission of this system is to uncover the hackers, who might attempt to steal data.
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